Local HS Football Coach Weighs in on 49er Football

Did an interview with Coach Newsome at Butler High School this afternoon on 49er Football, video should be on the main pageā€¦


Nice interview.

Nice job.

Iā€™m so sick of UNCC!!! University of Charlotte flows so much better, change the damn name!

I'm so sick of UNCC!!! University of Charlotte flows so much better, change the damn name!

I have a feeling UNCC is going to be with us for the longhaulā€¦even if the name changes

wanna make sure this interview gets heard

Good stuff!

How about a recruiting pipeline from Butler?

How about a recruiting pipeline from Butler?

That would be solid. Over the last few years they have churned out some serious talent.

As an alum of the Big I, I hate Butler with a passion, but I recognize the skill that they tend to put on the field. Nice to have a local coach who will speak well about us to his kids.