clt says narduzzi with the shot at UNC CHeat!

Let’s just institute trade options.

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It’s like the people making these decisions have never met an 18-22 year old. Sometimes they don’t make the best decisions. Giving them more opportunities to make knee jerk decisions when things aren’t going well may not be a great idea.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: College athletes and compensation - NIL, Alston v NCAA, etc :moneybag:

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Hell no!!!


Two things I don’t like about this:

  1. I think it’s just a step towards killing the NIT off. At 80 or 90 teams, that would be less than the current NCAA+NIT fields. And guess which schools would get cut?

  2. Using the UAB fan example, you’re also talking about around 8 play in games. Even if a lot of mid majors do make it, they will all be relegated to that.

An expansion to 90 would probably result in an entire P6 conference (or more) making the field.


Did the original tweet already get deleted?

Yes, it did. My recollection is that it was critical of the Transformation Committee for not consulting with the overseers of the individual sports.

Behold the power of “Greg Sankey and the big boys”