Observer story 7/17/10: Football bill approved, GOVERNOR'S signature final piece

I know itā€™s in the other thread but thought this stood out a little better. (although it was hidden in the paper; no lead-in on front of Sports or Front page and the story mixed in with some other college football news). Oh well. Weā€™re just a week away from the final step in getting approval. How many hurdles?

Someone hand Bev the pen and donā€™t let the UNC blue bood get to her first. Witness protection needed for her this weekend.

oh, donā€™t worry about UNC-CH getting in the way. They canā€™t wait for her to sign the bill since it includes their new $45 million football stadium tower.

I know what youā€™re saying but I wonā€™t feel at ease until the last ā€œiā€ is dotted and the last ā€œtā€ is crossed.

ok so clt recommends this story @ 8am this morning. clt clicks link and the recommend is still there.

clt recommends unc-ch story on corruption at the mothership and each recommendation seems to disappear?

3rd most viewed Sports story yesterday behind Deanā€™s health and UNC CH football corruption.

Given the governor gives speeches at a 3rd grade level maybe she will sign the bill in crayon.

[font=Arial]Rose said Charlotte's first-year schedule could be completed before the school even hires a coach.[/font]

[font=Arial]Sounds like we can expect a 2013 schedule in the next 6-8 months.[/font]

It appears I cannot recommend this story. I see where the recommendations are, but I canā€™t click it. Also, I donā€™t see the Chapel Hill corruption story.

Actually I found the UNC story. It appears cltniners is correct, you cannot recommend this story.


ā€¦I was able to recommend it