Starting lineup/ppg predictions

could have sworn i saw aly khalifa arrive on campus via charlotte’s basketball instagram (or twitter)

I saw that too. What’s up?

Scott’s piece published about 4 weeks ago, so everyone may be on campus now. I didn’t tune in to the “Virtual Niners Night” this past Thursday with Hill, Healy, etc so don’t know if Sanchez addressed who’s here.

Anyway, good to see Khalifa in CLT!

Hope his knee is okay. That looks like a pretty serious brace he’s wearing.

based off this tweet (and with the help of some translate), it looks to be that he has fissure knee.


back to the OP… if we average damn near 76 ppg, give Sanchez a 10 year extension… Thats nearly a 15% increase in scoring.

Average 76 ppg? Has anyone seen the style we play?

Yeah, we are more like 7.6 PPH (points per half).