The 2-6-07 episode of The 49ers Insider is online! Watch and enjoy!

Click the link for this week’s show.


Working on getting baseball’s Chris Taylor to host next week’s show. Stay tuned.

Win baseball tickets this week. Easy score.


The 49ers Insider

Hilarious 49er Profile with Hagen and Bryant on this one.

I PM’d an administrator to see if they would create a link to the 49ers insider page.
Is that something anyone would like?

bump as I head home.

Bump for Friday morning. I also took out the men’s basketball vs. GW stuff.

Hey all,
the friday baseball game vs HP at 4pm has been cancelled due to weather. The teams are discussing the plans for the rest of the series. But enjoy the show nonetheless. What can you do when it rains? Thanks.

Heading home now bump.
