Toll roads in NC?

What we should do in NC is stop giving so much money to rural areas - in this economy, no company is going to want to locate there - and start a massive capagin to improve the infrastructure of Charlotte, the Triad, and the Triangle.

I’ve read somewhere that for every transportation dollar NC spends in urban areas, another must be spent in a rural area.

The newest transportation bill would change that. I’m not sure if it has passed yet, but it most likely will. It would stop a program that doles out road money based on the percentage of linear feet of roadways in a county that are unpaved.

[QUOTE=Noreaster;183989]The newest transportation bill would change that. I’m not sure if it has passed yet, but it most likely will. It would stop a program that doles out road money based on the percentage of linear feet of roadways in a county that are unpaved.[/QUOTE]

That’s good. It sounds like a step in the right direction at least.