Yeah what you gonna do about it?

For starters… when you wake up there will be no TP in ur bathroom. THen there will be no soap in your shower. Then everyone will know you STINK.

For starters... when you wake up there will be no TP in ur bathroom. THen there will be no soap in your shower. Then everyone will know you STINK.



You quoted yourself. How lame are you.

You quoted yourself. How lame are you.

Looks like someone feels like they got owned.

you are both ‘tools’…

Looks like someone feels like they got owned.

Who, this guy?

Someone who consistently got picked last for dodgeball?

Problem with the UTimes is its free, and funded. Would you ever purchase that rag? Even for a nickel? No! They’re read because you have to read something on the john. You would do what others do with Disturber, wait for someone to leave it in the bathroom. If it was subject to market forces here on campus, it would constantly DEMAND football to sell. But WE don’t pay for it, we do. Student fees can have negative side effects.

That graph does nothing but prove the authors ignorance on the workings of universities. He sure would be pissed if he knew all the money that went to other studies around campus instead of paying for students books and tuition. Hell…he must be fuming about the stamats study…I’m just sure I missed that article and graph.

I don’t see 7,700 students interested enough to take their time, get online, and vote in the Stamats study or any of these other studies the university does (if there was a voting option).

That, my friends, shows just how important the issue of football is to the students of this university. As far as the students are concerned, this study is looking at the MOST IMPORTANT issue on campus by far. And, that’s worth a lot.

A study looking at the most important issue on campus for students at a low rate of $14 per student is completely acceptable IMO.

The UTimes needs to get in sync with the minds of the students and the truly important issues on this campus. Be the true voice of the students for a change… not some media puppet for the opinions of a very [B]small[/B] lunatic fringe who crave attention for the sole purpose of gaining attention and who work in the shadows of deception and public misinformation.

The UTimes needs to get in sync with the minds of the students and the truly important issues on this campus. Be the true voice of the students for a change... not some media puppet for the opinions of a very [B]small[/B] lunatic fringe who crave attention for the sole purpose of gaining attention and who work in the shadows of deception and public misinformation.

Agreed. But I would like to point out in the Utimes defence (I know I am a bad person) That the newspaper should bring up the minorities side of the story. However, with that in mind, why then does it feel from reading that paper (since it is the voice of all students) that football supporters are the minority? I think a good journalist should talk about both sides of the issue (called being unbiased) and mention the minority too. Even 50/50 is good. Thats probably as fair as you can get. But when you are funded by student fee’s, are supposed to be the students voice, Your not going to write about what the majority of students would like to hear?

Ok, fine, maybe they assume that the majority of students are against football, then how come there is not some minority side shown for the people who support football?

Bottom line, they are reading this. Next week when the vote comes back in favor of football, there will be an article either 1) keeping with their traditional follow the leader theme, write an article how football is the greatest thing on eartt; 2) or write an article saying its a stupid decision, we should all be ashamed of ourselves and go hang outselves because they want to piss us off, are toooooo ignorant or read this and now don’t want to feel as though they caved…

But they’ve changed their stance before… a firm stance that is posted above. So it will be exciting to see what they say.


the football helmet looks cool though…

So 150k is a waste of money? How about this?

-Credit to Justin Ritchie for finding this stack and exposing the truth. He also took the picture.

that is what some of us like to call “The Truth”. You heard it here first.

Enjoy guys,


ahhh… sarcastic cheap shots… very nice, very nice. I like the somewhat reminiscent bar graph.

For effect, from HappyCampers site

This is a better shot of the amount of papers

I even made a utimes sucks facebook group. I hated that paper.

Just for clarity, we smoked some ganja before taking that last picture…