'10 West Region 9 v. 11

'10 West Region 9 v. 11

This is a tough match up. If I lose, I can respect losing to a guy like Chisox.

Preciate it R-Work. For those that are on the fence… I live 4.5 hours away, but still came back for the Queens exhibition… ;D

i know at one time chisox had something like a 24-2 lead over charSF in the last vote. it looks like you already have 2 votes. if that makes you feel better.

Also for those on the fence…tomorrow is my birthday.

AND I bought season tickets despite living 7 hours away.

I’m totally on the fence. On the one hand, I have a former roommate and good friend. On the other hand is a guy who at two seperate periods of time vacated a place I would live in immediately there after. But then again he is also a total rag. So, my vote goes for Niner National. Suck it Scotty.


You’re living in Scotty’s old place again? Do you sleep with the women after Scotty has discarded them as well?

[quote=“Niner National, post:7, topic:24223”]hahaha.

You’re living in Scotty’s old place again? Do you sleep with the women after Scotty has discarded them as well?[/quote]

To be fair, if you sleep with any woman worth sleeping with, Scotty has already had a go.

The funny thing is, I can have your ass kicked out onto the street at any time. Now obviously I’m not going to do that bc It’d cost me a sh*t ton of money, but the fact remains that I can do that. :stuck_out_tongue: