1st Round Scott (4)Casstommy v (13)Charlotte2002 (NN.N POY 2008)

1st Round Scott (4)Casstommy v (13)Charlotte2002 (NN.N POY 2008)

Discuss, then vote. Poll ends Wednesday.

Vote for me for POY, then vote for one of them…


I would like to add that I am the man who introduced bacon salt to NNN. I’ve made NNN a better, tastier, more kosher place to live.

Bacon Salt is my Cornbread Maxwell. I’m riding that baby all the way to the final 4!

Remember I called for this guy to be our new coach when Lutz was flriting with USA…

Who has a better sense of humor than that?

[B]I would like to add that I am the man who introduced bacon salt to NNN[/B]. I've made NNN a better, tastier, more kosher place to live.

Bacon Salt is my Cornbread Maxwell. I’m riding that baby all the way to the final 4!

exactly the reason I voted for you.