2008 Football Season Top 10 things to Look forward to

The language in this is very rough throughout, but it is some of the funniest things I have ever read:



[QUOTE=ninerID;335379]The language in this is very rough throughout, but it is some of the funniest things I have ever read:



This was forwarded around my office yesterday - it’s absolutely hilarious!


“To true college fans, the NFL is like the show that came on HBO after a really good episode of The Sopranos. Just because it’s on your TV screen, doesn’t mean you care what happens.”

Hey, Entourage used to always come on after Tony and the crew and that IS a damn good show.

[QUOTE=NewYorkNiner;335420]“To true college fans, the NFL is like the show that came on HBO after a really good episode of The Sopranos. Just because it’s on your TV screen, doesn’t mean you care what happens.”

Hey, Entourage used to always come on after Tony and the crew and that IS a damn good show.[/QUOTE]

I’m a college fan now because I finally have a team, but maybe other than for insignificant places in the US like Nebraska and Alabama, the NFL is king.

The great thing about that article is that it made fun of me, and I laughed my ass off because of it.

Entourage is a fanastic show. One of the few I’ll bother watching.

Own up to it fellas - the ass-tagging one nailed all of us. I was in tears reading that.

The [I]Dads… daughters… to Helm’s Deep[/I] line was EPIC. :shades:

It’s football season. Postpone the election until after the Super Bowl.
I can’t believe Obama tonight & McCain next week are speaking during Thursday Night College Football. Are they trying to get me not to watch? LOL.

He bashed non-BCS schools.
That’s going to be us, at least for awhile.
Doesn’t that elitist know that most people don’t go to a BCS school, they bandwagon.
Besides, 3 of the 4 teams he cited were BCS, so he is an idiot.