clt says we are throwing chris reynolds, hope he can give us 4-5 good innings
So yes and no. Still better than a plus broadcast though.
They’ve only played 3 games, we’ve played 5 this week.
I don’t know if we will go with Hudepohl in short rest or just go by committee. Wyatt threw 77 pitches Wednesday morning, so he should be good to go. I’d guess DBU will go with someone that hasn’t pitched this week yet.
If we win, I’m expecting a 10-8 game or something along those lines. You never know though, Wyatt has pitched some gems this season.
Not for my AT&T subscription
clt says let’s go boys! showtime!
Tied up 2-2. Let’s go!
clt says that was a sick turn
clt hopes we are not haunted by the double plays
Playing well, but feels like we should have another run or 2.
Those double plays really killed us.
Cam can beat the shift. Beat the shift out of them Baptists. Everyone knows Baptists get shifty on Sunday
Oh geez…you jinxed us.
clt says let’s get a few insurance runs!,
Need them outs
clt hopes we get that high strike zone as well in the bottom of the 9th
Hells to the yeahs. Hell of a conference tournament
Never a doubt!
Can THIS please become the new version of “Pulling a Niner!?”