2024-25 49er MBB Game #23 vs Wichita State 2/4 7PM ESPNU

The โ€œBattle for Last Placeโ€ between the 1-7 Shockers and 1-8 Niners! Woohoo!


BTW, depending on how the rest of the season plays out, this could be the second of three meetings with Wichita State - especially if the Shockers and Niners bring up the rear of the AAC. Opening round of the conference tournament will pit #13 vs #12 at the Super Pit in Denton, with the winner facing the #5 seed the following day at Dickies Arena in Fort Worth.

Oh wow!, where do we buy tickets for that epic showdown :rofl::rofl:

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ESPNU game for this is pretty funny. At least we have a decent chance of winning it I suppose

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clt asks why is the data science logo on the athletic website?

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Loved that cut to the basket by Thomas. Great feed by Rosado.

If I remember right they got to the rim at will against us in game 1. We are doing a much better job tonight on D so far.

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Feel like we let this one go late in the half. We should not be behind right now.


Yeah. 23-11 run. :face_vomiting:

Rosado is such a WEAK big man.

We are a 3 happy team. :roll_eyes:

Every time i think this team cant get worseโ€ฆthey prove me wrong.

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Half our shots have been 3s. Why?