2024 49er Football - Head Coach search

Are there any other coaches who are coaching this weekend in the conference championship games that we may have interest in or already agreed to?

10:05 PM? That’s over three hours from right now on 12/5. What’s up with that? Is he in England?

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His name is on the shortlists for WVU and Purdue as well which I believe are well within his reach. Not sure what leads us to believe he’s a candidate but who knows?

Not sure why it sends with advanced times but he tweeted that a little over a hour ago.

Maybe Jacobs from Mercer or if we’re lucky, Huff from Marshall?

A lot of tweets do that (when embeded). England is UTC. It’s the base time without any localization. It may just default to that for some reason.

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Maybe Hill interviewed this coach along with the others that supposedly turned us down. Maybe they never turned us down. Hill could have told them we have an agreement with the mystery coach and they withdrew their names from the search at that point and it was reported as turning down the job. For all we know Hill did hire someone Monday or Tuesday and they just don’t want it made public until after their conference championship game. Or maybe we are screwed. Who knows.


So, we don’t what we don’t know?

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The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

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the absence of reality, could be a void of truth

It could be officially announced in the 4th qtr of their Championship game, i believe that is what happened with Fritz in AAC championship last year.

Did we hire Rich Rod? A+ he plays satirday

We are probably a backup option for him as i dont think hes getting either job yet

Is Rich Rodriguez potentially an option for us?

It would really be f’ed up if Brewster is hired.

100% curious, Why? Why would it? That seems to be an opinion of some here, I am wondering why?

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If he gets the job he may do well, but at this point in the process, a Brewster hire would look like a 4th or 5th choice.

For one its a late hire. They could have hired him and he might have kept a lot of the players out of the portal.

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Because his only HC job was years ago and he backed into that and it wasn’t good and he hasnt even been at one program long enough to to show he can build anything. Hes been known as an acre recruiter not an ace head coach.

If he wasn’t an interim he wouldn’t be in the radar and the two games he did win, one of which he should have lost - were against the bottom of the league.

  • Hill has his coach wrapped up and it’s going to be an awesome hire!
  • Hill will eventually find a good coach and it will be a good hire!
  • Hill has shit the bed again and we are in for a lot of pain.
0 voters

so would any hire at this point wouldn’t it?

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