2024 49er Football - Head Coach search

any hire at this time is a late hire> Just because players enter the portal doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t withdraw their name. Look at all the current players who are using "HireBrew on their tweets. Does that mean they will stay? no, but who knows. Plus he is your best recruiter which is one of the most important thing other than money in the Portal world. I am just trying to figure why some are against it.


clt is cool with any of the three options, letā€™s hit the portal!


Albinā€™s been mentioned elsewhere too, it feels like weā€™re going for him at this point and if we canā€™t get him then itā€™s Bell or Brewster.

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If itā€™s brew itā€™s going to be so hard to stay engaged with this program - If itā€™s him itā€™s because we couldnā€™t lock up anyone else and itā€™s just a sign we donā€™t have money.


Thanksgiving Day? Hill stated he worked on the coaching search Thanksgiving Day.

This is exactly the plan. Thatā€™s why they are waiting until the weekend. Let Albin accept or deny after the game.

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That also buys him time to see if he can get the Purdue/WV job, or if Ohio can come with more money etc.

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Has Kerwin Bellā€™s name been brought up for any other programs? I wonder what western fans think he will do

clt says the first response trashes us!


I have not seen him mentioned anywhere other than us. Although I did enjoy reading what Ghost posted from their fan board, funny

Took a look around the Catamount board. They seem to think heā€™s pretty likely to come to charlotte if offered the job.

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Everything I heard says heā€™s looking for a quick turnaround program to find his way into a P4 coordinator job. Heā€™s about as old as me and still doesnā€™t want to settle down with a program.

Still crossing my fingers for Tim Albin as he has been my number one pick all along even over those that supposedly turned us down.Mark Jacobs sounds fantastic, but I donā€™t know if heā€™s in the running for the job. Kerwin Bell would not be A bad hire. So we still have high hopes for a good coach


More & more Iā€™m thinking its Albin. Seems to fit, as if we are waiting for MAC championship game to end. Hope thats the case!

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Man, Brewster being the hire now would be a big let down. I have to believe/hope itā€™s Albin, Jacobs, or Bell :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Brewster and Bell have to be backup options, there is no good reason to not have the deal done for them by now.


What if its Albin and he keeps Brewster? Do you think most of the transfers would stay?


Some probably. Not all. Just speculation