Damn, that’s an OSHA bat-signal right there.
I was about to post the same thing.
They need to delete that pic and get him a safe platform to observe from.
If the University compliance/risk/whatever dept is responsible sees that they are gonna have a heart attack
You can tell this is not his first time up on the rig.
Is Ryan an employee? He seems to work for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, but idk if he is also an employee. Even if he is a non-employee, he should be encouraged to be safe, of course, but I’m not sure OSHA would be involved, as lest as regards Charlotte…
My bet is that he would piss on a “safe platform!” HERE WE GO!
Pre-sale came out this morning for the Dukes Mayo Bowl. Check your emails if you haven’t already. Just bought two Club C tickets.
Prices were about what I expected. Seems like there should be a good price option for everyone.
Just bought two in Club A 2. Going for the best. Should be a special experience and at my age not gonna let it pass without the best full experience for this game.
Me too!! $135 to be sure that I’m not sitting near app people
I took a gamble and my two are club C tickets lol, I am hoping I get 348-351 near the Charlotte end zone and not 336-339.
Every year it seems to hurt more when I pay for 49ers tickets. Winning would sure make it feel a little better.
I’m thinking the 2 sides of the stadium we got to choose from were all Niner Club seats. I suspect that the other 2 sides are for the Mountaineer Club.
Charlotte gets 8k tickets and App gets 8k. The rest goes to the Charlotte Sports Authority to sell.
Got my tickets. Time to fill up the bank
Somebody told me tix for the UNCCh game are going for as much as $500. Can that be right???
I don’t know how many have actually sold for $500.00 if any. I do know some on stubhub have already sold in the $250-$275 range. That’s per ticket.