Basden for CUSA Player of the Year

Right now, Iā€™d say the leading candidates for C-USA POY are:

Eddie Basden, Charlotte
Francisco Garcia, Louisville
Quemont Greer, DePaul
Travis Diener, Marquette
Terrence Leather, South Florida

[i]Originally posted by run49er[/i]@Jan 13 2005, 09:18 AM [b] Right now, I'd say the leading candidates for C-USA POY are:

Eddie Basden, Charlotte
Francisco Garcia, Louisville
Quemont Greer, DePaul
Travis Diener, Marquette
Terrence Leather, South Florida [/b]

Unbelievableā€¦no Jason Maxiell?

Jason who?

Is that guy still in the league?

[i]Originally posted by NinerUpNorth[/i]@Jan 13 2005, 05:48 PM [b] Jason who?

Is that guy still in the league? [/b]

Just the best player on a team named ā€˜Cincinnati Bearcatsā€™.

Or is it ā€˜Bearcats whoā€™ for you?

I honestly think itā€™s too early to talk about leading candidates. Also, Leather may be good, but heā€™s on a bad team. Itā€™s hard to be a POY when your team doesnā€™t win.

never heard of them?

Where are the bearcats from ā€¦ Canada or something?

We will see how Eddie handles the San Fransico treat when we play loserville this year. Iā€™d bet Eddie will keep him below his averages.

Eddie is amazing, heā€™s outstanding, but Iā€™m not sure if he will end up being better than Fransisco Garcia.

JMax abused us last year, no Charlotte fan should have a question like Jason Who? Itā€™s absurd. He singled handedly destroyed our interior game. It was like watching Curt against UAB last year, only UC beat us.

Diener is probably the best PG in the league right now.

Jmax is probably the best PF/C.

I want to say Eddie is the best SF, but I donā€™t know, Garcia is amazing.

Regardless, conference play is just underway, Iā€™ll be more confident in Eddie and Charlotte when the season is over, especially if we play like we did against UAB day in day out.

[i]Originally posted by minerniner[/i]@Jan 13 2005, 08:05 PM [b] never heard of them?

Where are the bearcats from ā€¦ Canada or something?

We will see how Eddie handles the San Fransico treat when we play loserville this year. Iā€™d bet Eddie will keep him below his averages. [/b]

:clap: Kudos minerniner for your excellent geographical knowledge!

ā€˜Cincinnati Bearcatsā€™ of Canada. :lol: Did you learn that at Charlotte?