We are screwing around again. 1-1 in the 10th.
Screwing around is the precursor to pulling a NINER.
We won it , in the 10th 2-1…walk off, walk.
More like RI lost it in the 10th. Gift run for us.
RI pulled a Niner
Well,we returned the favor in game 2. Brooks just walked in 2 runs. Down 2-0 in the 3rd inning.
Games uptown can’t be beat. I wish the weather was warmer but oh well.
The stands started filling in a few innings into the game.
I agree, love the Uptown games. It was a good socially distanced crowd, I would guess the largest gathering of Niners since CoVid. It was great seeing some of you again, I’ve missed my Niner family.
Lost the 2nd game of the doubleheader 6-3.
That is easily one of my favorite stadium views ever, in any sport. Just gorgeous.
The AAA leagues say they’re no longer going to tinker with their schedules to accommodate college tournaments, but CUSA should do what it takes to play in Charlotte. The combination of the ballpark and the hotels downtown can’t be beat.
Our inability to get timely hits is maddening. Lead off double in the 4th and our next 3 batters retired with 2 pop ups and one easy ground out… that never even advance our baserunner to 3rd…we have got to get our bats going again.
Edit: we still aren’t getting timely hits, but we score 3 runs in the 5th on NO hits and left 1 on second. Thanks for those runs RI.
Yep, not putting any hits together or getting clutch hits. The other maddening thing is our pitchers don’t throw strikes. We walk a lot of batters and we have a lot of HBP’s. You can’t give good teams free passes!
We’ve walked 3 in the top of the 6th and URI gets a run back.
Make that 4 walks this inning.
Agreed…pitching has definitely taken a step back over the last 2 weeks as well, but just not AS far back as our offense. McCabe, Knight and Keuchel looking nothing like they did over the first 10 or 12 games. We were still leading the nation in home runs a week or so ago, but I don’t think we have any over the last 3 or 4 games after having 28 in the first 13 or 14 games.
Groover has been our best hitter lately. Three hits today.
Yep…that 8th inning hit was what we had been missing.
Niners win game 3, 6-3. Take the series 2-1.
Overall a good weekend of baseball. Took the series 2-1. Our RPI might jump into the Top 30 by the time the day is over.
Pitched well enough to win, offense struggled some but put together enough runs when needed. McCabe left today’s game with an injury, so I hope it is nothing serious.
Good to see everyone on Saturday Uptown!! It was like a family reunion seeing so many Niners that I haven’t seen in 12-16 months.