Bev Perdue to host economic roundtable at UNC Charlotte

The discussion will be led by Charlotte Bobcats owner Bob Johnson
The session will be moderated by Ferrel Guillory, director of UNC Chapel Hill's Program on Public Life.


Heh I thought the same thing…lol

jeeezus, what a crowd

Bob Johnson? Okay, as if this didn’t already lose credibility with me by having Perdue, Johnson moderates. This is laughable!

Let’s tell Perdue to lower taxes. Doubt she will do it as she sees it as everyone’s right to go to college and wants to make community college on the taxpayer!

Bev Perdoo, Bob Johnson and some dude from the hole talking about economics. And we wonder why the terrorists hate us.

I’m just surprised Bob Johnson will be in town. I guess he is flying in for the meeting and will probably immediately fly back out.

[B]Always open with a joke[/B]

If you’re going to have a meeting of power brokers with the governor-elect, you simply must have a few quips at hand to warm up the room. So it was at the economic roundtable Bev Perdue held with Charlotte-area business leaders Tuesday at UNC Charlotte. To wit:

UNC Charlotte Chancellor Phil Dubois deadpanned that his school was “home of the only undefeated football team in North Carolina,” and predicted UNC Charlotte wouldn’t lose in football until at least 2013 – the first year the school plans to actually field a team.