Blake Griffin vs Kevin Love

Born in LA and a life long Lakers fan, I doubt we’ll see him in Celtic green any time soon (although Pierce did it). Love is also A LOT more than just a rebounder.

I know this is 12 months from when the thread was open but I would have picked Love then and still now. I’m not overly impressed with Griffin and I think without a Chris Paul to give him the ball in great spots all the time he would be incredibly limited on offense.

[quote=“Powerbait, post:14, topic:26232”][quote=“NLP, post:13, topic:26232”][quote=“Normmm, post:8, topic:26232”]Love’s averaging 25 pts and 15 rebs. Where do you want him to grow?

Honestly, when you compare productivity it will probably be a wash. It seems to me that Griffin is completely dependent on athleticism. Very little offensive skill set. Sometimes that athletic prowess will out weigh skill set(see Shaq). But I’m not sure I trust it in crunch time or for a career. For that reason I picked Love. His shooting out weighs Griffin’s athleticism for me. [/quote]

I want him to get his points with less shots. 43% for a PF is not very good. Even if you factor in 3 point percentage as worth 1.5 FGs, Griffin has a better effective shooting percentage. You could point out Love rebounds better, and he does, but Griffin dishes out more assists. So much for Love’s reputation as a passer?

As for the athleticism thing. I’ve seen him shoot jumpers and hit them routinely, but why do that when you can just blow by people and dunk on them?[/quote]

BG has a better jumper than klove.[/quote]

Lol, pb stfu

I expected Normmm to jump all over that. But BG is actually hitting jumpers this year.