Bobby Lutz - Bring Back the Power Stashe


That’s what my sideburns look like. And you jerks are laughing! I never liked you guys anyways!:weep:

That's what my sideburns look like. And you jerks are laughing! I never liked you guys anyways!:weep:


this is what nor looks like. Seriously.


this is what nor looks like. Seriously.

Okay… who’s been photochopping? Someone put Nor’s head on my body… :ticked:

We need to bring this thread back.

I was bored. Whatever.


This reminds me of last night. An’juan’s beard looks like that of a young amish man.

:smile: (Disclaimer: If this pic resembles any others here, sorry. Most of the pics linked in this thread are blocked here at work)

:smile: (Disclaimer: If this pic resembles any others here, sorry. Most of the pics linked in this thread are blocked here at work)
I miss your postgame MS Paint renditions.

Seriously? He looks a lot better without that p#$$y on his lip.