Bobcats cutting more, it seems.

seems like soon it might be Bob, Mike, Larry, the players, and no one else.

hopefully, for their sake, I’m wrong

I sincerely hope Chisox is not affected by this.

[QUOTE=Over40NINER;345488]I sincerely hope Chisox is not affected by this.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Mr. Bojangles;345489]x2[/QUOTE]


Thanks guys, I really appreciate the good luck wishes. I really think I’ll be ok, mainly because they cant possibly justify cutting my dept any more, we are already severely understaffed as it is… but you never know.

I’m sure I’ll know by tomorrow or early next week if I’m affected. If I get the axe, I’ll be banging on Dan Devos and John George’s doors waving my resume!

Seriously tho guys, I really appreciate you all thinking of me. Its a crazy world out there with the economy in the can! Hopefully I’ll be ok!


seems like soon it might be Bob, Mike, Larry, the players, and no one else.

hopefully, for their sake, I’m wrong[/QUOTE]

So basically Larry will be the only one working?:huh:

[QUOTE=Chisox17;345529]Thanks guys, I really appreciate the good luck wishes. I really think I’ll be ok, mainly because they cant possibly justify cutting my dept any more, we are already severely understaffed as it is… but you never know.

I’m sure I’ll know by tomorrow or early next week if I’m affected. If I get the axe, I’ll be banging on Dan Devos and John George’s doors waving my resume!

Seriously tho guys, I really appreciate you all thinking of me. Its a crazy world out there with the economy in the can! Hopefully I’ll be ok![/QUOTE]

Here’s an angle to get a job in the AD! Point out that you may not be able to honor your PSL pedge if they don’t give you a job!:thumbsup:

9:20 and I’m still here. One guy from our office, not my dept tho, was already cut a little while ago… :unhappy:

update… I am sitting at home now, you all know what that means.

Thanks for thinking of me everyone. Just wish that they would shave some of the big exec’s salaries instead of canning the little guys.


[QUOTE=Chisox17;345629]update… I am sitting at home now, you all know what that means.

Thanks for thinking of me everyone. Just wish that they would shave some of the big exec’s salaries instead of canning the little guys.


Sorry to hear that man.

[QUOTE=Chisox17;345629]update… I am sitting at home now, you all know what that means.

Thanks for thinking of me everyone. Just wish that they would shave some of the big exec’s salaries instead of canning the little guys.


Sorry to hear that, hopefully the 49er ticket department will have some openings with the push for football in November.

As someone who has let people go and been let go, there is no way to sugar coat it…it does suck.

As screwed up as the job market seems right now, there ARE opportunities in the Charlotte area.

You are a lot better off searching around here then nearly anywhere else in the country.

Do something selfish today and Saturday…get your ass out and start networking on Monday.


Dr Phil :smile:

How many months did they give you when they let you go?

Damn dude. That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

Thanks for the kind words guys. It means a lot to me that you all have been thinking of me. Yeah I’m going to relax for a while, then it’s time to bust my tail with contacts.

I haven’t gotten through the details of my severance, but it looks like an absolute joke so far.

Gonna have to find something soon to keep this roof over my head!


Damn, Scotty…that ****'s rough.

Sorry to hear the news, my friend. I sincerely hope something turns up for ya soon…as I’m certain it will.

That sucks friend. I’m sure you’ll find something soon.

[QUOTE=Chisox17;345652] but it looks like an absolute joke so far.


lemme guess?

Thank you for your time and service to the organization.

Please enjoy these 2 for 1 ticket vouchers during the coming season. We have provided one voucher for each month you worked with us.

lemme guess?

Thank you for your time and service to the organization.

Please enjoy these 2 for 1 ticket vouchers during the coming season. We have provided one voucher for each month you worked with us.

haha not quite that bad, but not far off. It’s pretty pathetic…

sorry the hear that chisox. this team has been run like a joke from day one!! just pay charlotte the arena penalty and let nelly take the team to st. louis

[QUOTE]Two sources told the Observer the team considered eliminating radio broadcasts as a cost-saving measure, but were dissuaded by the league office.[/QUOTE]

Damn, it took them until the end of last season to find a way to get a legit TV deal. Now they wanted to get rid of radio. :rolleyes: