Bonnie Cone celebration

My wife and I, plus our 2 youngest children, attended the Bonnie Cone celebration at UNC Charlotte this past Tuesday (June 22nd would have been Miss Bonnie’s 97th birthday. Also just happens to be Mrs. Run49er’s birthday as well!). Had a nice chat with E. K. Fretwell before the program started at 4pm. (Also saw Bobby Lutz, Judy Rose, and Mike Hummer from Athletics.)

The formal part of the program was held in the Fretwell Building (would have been outside but moved in due to threatening weather) and lasted for about an hour. In addition to Chancellor Woodward, a couple of Miss Bonnie’s neices spoke, as did Dr. Dan Morrill (History) and Dr. Loy Witherspoon (Religious Studies), and others. Very nice and very moving.

The program concluded with the unveiling of a sign - DR BONNIE E CONE MEMORIAL HIGHWAY - which will be the new name for US 29 in University City (from the I-85 connector to the Cabarrus County line near Lowe’s Motor Speedway).

Afterward, there was a reception and the first public viewing of Dr. Cone’s gravesite in the Van Landingham Glen.

Even now, there are times when I look into the lower level of Halton on gameday and still expect to see Miss Bonnie there…

I saw the sign today as I was going down 29 near LMS. I think the name actually goes from the Cabarrus Co. line to Mallard Creek, right?

Just reporting what the NCDOT representative said on Tuesday, plus the blurb in yesterday’s Observer. Basically the stretch of US 29 from the I-85 connector/University City Boulevard to the Cabarrus County line.

Oh, THAT connector. Being from Concord-Kannapolis, I immediately thought the I-85 connector referred to 485. Yeah, that sounds more like it.

[i]Originally posted by run49er[/i]@Jun 24 2004, 04:04 PM [b] Even now, there are times when I look into the lower level of Halton on gameday and still expect to see Miss Bonnie there... [/b]
She was a basketball fan. I alwayd enjoyed seeing her every chance I had to come to Charlotte. Miss Bonnie always spoke to my boys and they were fond of her. The last time I saw her was after a game when I dropped by Herlockers to grab a meal and she was in there.

Two UNCC institutions for sure…

Let’s change the name of the school to Cone University. If they changed Trinity College’s name for Benjamin Duke they can change UNCC’s name for Bonnie Cone.

Heck, anything but UNCC.

[SIZE=2][font=optima]Cone U[/font][/SIZE]. That’s a wonderful idea, maybe the frat boys who want to wear their letters to the games instead of Niner gear will be made to wear “coneheads” in order to have those seats. :smiley: