28 hours till the game vs. YALE…WOOOOO can’t wait…But I don’t think it’s gonna be an easy game, nor will it be easy to win this whole Cable Car Classic. But I got faith, we have momentum, LETS’S GO NINERS

Add another 24hrs.

The Game is on Tuesday, the 28th at 11pm.

yeah my bad, meant 48…just really couldn’t wait and thought it was closer then it was…either way, GO NINERS

Hey Cowbell,

You aren’t THE Bruce Dickenson, are you?

“Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription… is more cowbell!”

[i]Originally posted by MeinShaft[/i]@Dec 27 2004, 12:12 PM [b] Hey Cowbell,

You aren’t THE Bruce Dickenson, are you?

“Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription… is more cowbell!” [/b]

“I put my pants on one leg at a time just liek you do.Just once mine are on, I make gold records!”

The Niners got a fever, and the only perscription is more cow bell…or better foul shooting…