Catawba College

Anyone see Division II Catawba College was on national tv last night. (meaning they have now been on more tv games than we have this year in any sport)

PrimeTime with the pacman was there for their southern fried football, they had interviews, and they were actually talking well about the program, had alum pat mccrory on. They basically gave them more respect than we ever get in anything. many people they interviewed were saying what good the football program does for the school and the communityā€™s support.

Beat #23 Mars Hill 45-21.

Itā€™s amazing how Packer thinks football is a bad idea at Charlotte, but then goes to Catawba to do his show and kiss their a$$. What a hipocrite.

Congrats to Catawba though!!

Yeah I saw that on FSNā€¦ made me sickā€¦

The Mayor went to Catawba.
Thatā€™s why Pacman is kissing up, to kiss the Mayorā€™s butt.

PrimeTime with the pacman was there for their southern fried football, they had interviews, and they were actually talking well about the program, had alum pat mccrory on. They basically gave them more respect than we ever get in anything. many people they interviewed were saying what good the football program does for the school and the communityā€™s support.


Mark Packer is an idiot. His radio show is moronic, stale, dull and targets listeners who are stupid.

Sports fans who think he knows anything need to have their ā€œMan Cardsā€ revoked.

He will never UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE give the Charlotte 49ers credit for anything. We could field a division 1 team THIS SEASON and beat LSU, Southern Cal, Ohio State and Alabama all on the road and he would continue to throw us ā€œunder the busā€.

We could beat Georgia Tech, Wake Forest, Maryland and Clemson this season in basketball and he would continue to throw us ā€œunder the busā€.

We could go to the Final 4 this season and he would continue to throw us ā€œunder the busā€.

We could win the National Championship in basketball and he might pause long enough to interview Bobby Lutz for 2 minutes before he resumedā€¦throwing the whole Charlotte athletic department ā€¦ā€œunder the busā€

He is, without a doubt, the most overrated hack, in the North Carolina sports media market. As long as WFNZ feels there is value is paying him, their station and ALL of their employees are guilty by association.

We, the alumni, students and fans must continue to ignore this dumbass.

Bottom lineā€¦Iā€™d rather be kicked in the balls then listen to his show.

Sorry for the digression.

When people ask me what my favorite college football team is, I tell them Catawba. My dad was the starting point guard on the basketball team there from '67-'70 for the legendary Sam Moir. He was so fired up yesterday about the game and the exposure that they were getting from FSN and Pacman.

Catawba has a lot of tradition (in football and basketball) and their football program has been one of the best in Div II over the past 15 years or so. I only hope that we could build a tradition like them, but we need football to do it.

[QUOTE=SilvioDante;260244]Mark Packer is an idiot. His radio show is moronic, stale, dull and targets listeners who are stupid.

Sports fans who think he knows anything need to have their ā€œMan Cardsā€ revoked.

He will never UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE give the Charlotte 49ers credit for anything. We could field a division 1 team THIS SEASON and beat LSU, Southern Cal, Ohio State and Alabama all on the road and he would continue to throw us ā€œunder the busā€.

We could beat Georgia Tech, Wake Forest, Maryland and Clemson this season in basketball and he would continue to throw us ā€œunder the busā€.

We could go to the Final 4 this season and he would continue to throw us ā€œunder the busā€.

We could win the National Championship in basketball and he might pause long enough to interview Bobby Lutz for 2 minutes before he resumedā€¦throwing the whole Charlotte athletic department ā€¦ā€œunder the busā€

He is, without a doubt, the most overrated hack, in the North Carolina sports media market. As long as WFNZ feels there is value is paying him, their station and ALL of their employees are guilty by association.

We, the alumni, students and fans must continue to ignore this dumbass.

Bottom lineā€¦Iā€™d rather be kicked in the balls then listen to his show.

Sorry for the digression.[/QUOTE]

For Silvio:

Considering he has thrown Larry Birdā€™s undefeated team under the bus, St. Joeā€™s Elite 8 team under the bus, and George Masonā€™s final 4 team under the busā€¦Iā€™d actually encourage Packer to babble something stupid about Charlotte. You canā€™t ask for a better omen.


[QUOTE]Iā€™m an old guy and have hated Billy Packer for many years. Al McGuire ( the NCAA Champ coach at Marquette) had it right when he worked with Billy and identified him as a guy who was frustrated because no college would hire him as a coach. I canā€™t figure out who Packer is blackmailing at CBS to keep his job.[/QUOTE]

Like Father, like son.

Can you guys give me a little background on why you hate Mark Packer so much? I know he
doesnā€™t mention us a lot but I personally have never heard him diss us, either. Iā€™m not saying he
hasnā€™t, just wondering exactly what he said.

[QUOTE=charlieniner;260252]Can you guys give me a little background on why you hate Mark Packer so much? I know he doesnā€™t mention us a lot but I personally have never heard him diss us, either. Iā€™m not saying he hasnā€™t, just wondering exactly what he said.[/QUOTE]

Hereā€™s something from a month ago. (starting with post #50)

I think if he ran a show where he sprinkled in a compliment once in a while - Niner fans might tune in and maybe even call-in to his show. But if itā€™s the ā€˜same ol, same olā€™ all the time, why bother listening?

[QUOTE=charlieniner;260252]Can you guys give me a little background on why you hate Mark Packer so much? I know he
doesnā€™t mention us a lot but I personally have never heard him diss us, either. Iā€™m not saying he
hasnā€™t, just wondering exactly what he said.[/QUOTE]

Ditto that, I have listened to him for the past three or four years and he rarely talks about the Niners. Occasionally Bobby calls in to speak about relevant issue in college basketball but that is about all
I ever hear about the Niners.

[QUOTE=survivor45;260257]Hereā€™s something from a month ago. (starting with post #50)

EE9er did a good job in the above attached link of being straight and to the point

[QUOTE]The only reason Fudge hates anything Charlotte 49er related is because 49er fans donā€™t call in. He wants as many listeners and callers as possible so he can get sponsors and ad money, a few years ago when we were top 25 he mentioned more than once that we had a good team, but he always made sure one of the other hommers would say we sucked, just to get the pot stirring. Its the same thing here, he says, ā€œthe UNC Charlotte 49ers shouldnā€™t get a football teamā€ heā€™s hoping that leads to tons of 49er fans calling in to bash him, the problem (for him) is we never take the bait and that gets him more mad than anything else. His job is to entertain, his sports opinion doesnā€™t mean jack, add to the fact that our buddy Cornhole is always on there giving us tons of supportā€¦ its no wonder real 49er fans donā€™t call in.[/QUOTE]

My biggest issue with Packerā€™s show is NOT how much he does/doesnā€™t talk about the Niners.

IT IS how little substance is contained in the show. It is a clear example of ā€œstyle over substanceā€. Listen to one of the ESPN shows on 1660, or better yet try satellite radio. The conversation is a mixture of facts and opinions. Even, Mike Tirico is Einstein compared to Mark.

I tried to listen for an entire week this summer, it was constant bitching and complaining. The day after the Panthers traded for Chris Harris from the Bears, he called him Chris Henry multiple times in the 1st segment of the show and no one corrected him. Of course, he was bitching about the Panthers trading for him. At least get the guyā€™s name right if you are going to bitch about him.

Packerā€™s show is nothing more than people calling and bitching about someone/something and him plugging a bunch of sponsors while telling me the ā€œlines are loadedā€ and ā€œwhereever you want to goā€ weā€™ll talk about it. He has no choice. Heā€™s not smart enough to stay on any subject to talk about it for an extended amount of time. In one hour, I heard 3 different people call and ask what he thought about a sports issue or team? He answered EACH ONE by saying I donā€™t know, what do YOU think? That is NOT why the person called in. The show is very, very predictable.

Also, the gimmicks & catch phrases (QCB, Southern Fried Football, Switzerland, Packman Platters) are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

Other reasons to hate the show: Cedric ā€œI hate UNCCā€ Maxwell is a frequent guest AND Tom ā€œI hate the Carolina Hurricanesā€ Sorenson are frequent guests.

If you donā€™t understand why Sorenson hates the Canes, go search for his column (maybe Mike P can find it and link it) the day after the Canes won the Cup. If I have time later, Iā€™ll try to find it. I understand he is a columist and states opinions, but it was pure, steaming dung on that particular day.

Other than that, Packer is fine.

The bottom line: he is NOT ABOUT SPORTS, he is about finding gimmicks to fling in front of sponsors to justify them giving him money. Sure, thats a valid form of capitalism, but heā€™s so blatent about it, he makes NASCAR drivers in Victory Lane sound conservative.

Packer is a wacko, no question. What I found humerous about him is he takes so many shots at Charlotte and makes fun of us. Yet the moment the issue came up about firing Lutz he ravied about what a great coach he was and much success he had there and blah blah (ignoring all the cheap shots heā€™s taken at our program over the years).

You will rarely see him take a stance on an issue. He waits till after the game and then comes out and says ā€œMan they sucked, I told you they did.ā€ The only program he seems to despise more then us is Notre Dame.