Charlotte Basball - Week of April 21st

^^^^ I’m telling you, we are still in the hunt for a spot in the conference tourney. If we make it, I like our chances.

To make the tourney I think we would have to be at .500. To do that we need to go 10-1 in our remaining games. If we do that, I would also like our chances.

I am just happy to see us continuing to get better. Our starting pitching has been really good on the weekends. We have cleaned things up defensively and our bats are coming around.
4 straight conference wins! Lets make it 5 today!

10-1 can be done. I think 9-2 MAY give us a shot. Regardless, it is definitely nice to see us playing better.

If we wind up making the conference tournament, I’ll give you full credit for calling it. I have a hard time seeing it, though. I’m just glad we’re playing better.

It’s nice to follow along on twitter and be surprised when a tweet doesn’t alert me that back back errors lost us the game late in the game. Glad the guys have seemed to tighten that aspect up.

You realize that you jinxed us, right? :slight_smile:

Yep. 3 errors today. 2 accounted for 2 UTSA runs in a 3-1 loss…uggg

You realize that you jinxed us, right? :)[/quote]

Yeaaaaa… I was following along and damn. My bad guys.

The boys bounce back to take game three 4-2. Two straight series wins.

[quote=“49erAlumnus, post:29, topic:28779”]The boys bounce back to take game three 4-2. Two straight series wins.[/quote] Jobu approves, lights up, and pours some rum.

Back to back series wins!! Nice to see us bounce back and take the series today. Back home against UAB this weekend.

This is the happiest I’ve seen Hibbs is awhile:

Box score: