Coldest Nov in 32 yrs

[QUOTE=Normmm;367204]Then why do scientists consider Mars the next great frontier and not Venus?[/QUOTE]

clt has always thought Uranus was the next great frontier.

[QUOTE=Normmm;366860]Wasn’t it a climate change that killed off the dinosaurs, however million years before humans?[/QUOTE]

No… I’m pretty sure that it was a meteor…:tongue:

[QUOTE=Normmm;367204]Then why do scientists consider Mars the next great frontier and not Venus?[/QUOTE]
Venus’s mean surface temperature is 460 degrees Celsius. Mars has a mean surface temperature of -46 C. I’m sure it’s a much more realistic goal to create shelters capable of raising the temperature by about 75 C than lowering it by 440.

Both atmosphere’s are about 95% Carbon Dioxide, however Mars does bost 0.2% Oxygen, whereas there is absolutely no Oxygen on Venus. There’s plenty of sulfuric acid and carbon monoxide to go around, however.

No... I'm pretty sure that it was a meteor....:tongue:

Venus’s mean surface temperature is 460 degrees Celsius. Mars has a mean surface temperature of -46 C. I’m sure it’s a much more realistic goal to create shelters capable of raising the temperature by about 75 C than lowering it by 440.

Both atmosphere’s are about 95% Carbon Dioxide, however Mars does bost 0.2% Oxygen, whereas there is absolutely no Oxygen on Venus. There’s plenty of sulfuric acid and carbon monoxide to go around, however.


Venus's mean surface temperature is 460 degrees Celsius. Mars has a mean surface temperature of -46 C. I'm sure it's a much more realistic goal to create shelters capable of raising the temperature by about 75 C than lowering it by 440.

Both atmosphere’s are about 95% Carbon Dioxide, however Mars does bost 0.2% Oxygen, whereas there is absolutely no Oxygen on Venus. There’s plenty of sulfuric acid and carbon monoxide to go around, however.

I agree. I was kind of being sarcastic but I think you missed the point. I previously said that its reasonable to think that the temperature on Earth is gradually getting warmer as the sun is gradually getting closer to Earth. But I was told the temperature on Earth is not directly due to our distance to the sun. So that’s why I asked then why do scientist look to Mars as the future and not Venus. Which you answered correctly, because its closer to the sun and too damn hot.

new report today, coldest year on earth since 2000


its interesting the Dr refers to Dickens time period, and then says we have short memories…I wonder what the whether was like for Julius Caesar or Christopher Columbus?

serious question, not argument for or against this graph…this graph goes all the way back to 1840. were the thermometers that long ago as accurate around the globe as they are today?? I dont know, it seems far fetched you could have dozens of weather stations around the world then that had consistent temperature calibrations.

hell its 2008 and my truck will say 45 degrees, and my wife’s car will say 48, and WBT will say 46

also, I would like to see that graph go backwards another 1000 yrs for kicks and giggles. Looking at 150 years is such a blink in time