Here we go… first step in eligibility just going away.
Just reading through Dellenger’s posts recapping today’s hearing on House and my head is spinning. Suffice to say, no final decision this day though Judge Wilken indicated approval should be forthcoming.
Of course, I go and glance through sports attorney Mit Winter’s recap and get a whole different vibe about today’s hearing. Ugh!
Another sports attorney chiming in:
Sportswriters respective takes:
And yet another attorney:
A founder of the College Basketball Players Assn and former University of Minnesota BoR member:
Dellenger’s write-up more negative in tone than individual posts were. Combined with the comments of others - especially the lawyers - doesn’t look too good, especially if the NCAA decides to dig in their heels yet again. It’s like the folks in Indy haven’t learned anything and are willing to fall on the sword for the umpteenth time! Geez!
Yep, that’s really worked for the NCAA as of late!
Good overview:
I’m not following why the NCAA thinks they should have a right to limit booster (NIL) pay.
It is what it is. Get over it.
Limiting compensation is always going to get you in hot water because that is an anticompetitive measure. Many might say it’s un-American.
I certainly wouldn’t want my pay capped if I had opportunities to earn money on NIL.
I also fail to see how all this can be regulated in any way without collective bargaining.
And if they formed a union, the union would never agree to limiting compensation from outside sources like NIL.
They would agree to limits for the money that the schools control which is predictable. That’s it.
The entire thing seems to be built on a sand foundation.
Hopefully it all blows up.
The P4 split off.
And schools like us are not on the hook for the unfair settlement we got forced upon us.