You may want to hire a consultant from chapel hill to come in and help get this effort off the ground they have years of experience with this kind of work.
I dont expect them to leave for a few reasons. The big 3 are getting playing time, they came here to play with this coach and I don’t think Price was giving them bullshit lines to get them here. We might see some of the other guys transfer - but hopefully the days of us losing key rotational players every year are behind us.
When you look at our roster, if you assume that Davis/White/Scott are all happy and staying, then there are not many players that are really candidates for transferring. Camidge may be the most likely. Benas might want to transfer, but he would lose a year if he did. I can see him just going back overseas and playing pro ball instead. Blakely is going to be a senior, and few programs would give him two years of scholarship for one year of play. If he wants minutes then Div II would be his most likely option. I can’t see anyone else considering it.
I cannot help but think that Benkavic might have found some minutes this year if he had come back. A spot up three-point shooter that would pull his man outside opening up the lane for more slashing to the basket. A role player to be sure, but probably a better fit than he was before.
I disagree with benk seeing minutes. Not sure whose minutes he would take unless players were in foul trouble. He lacks quickness and athleticism to be a 2 or 3, especially on defensive end.