Cycling BS


If injecting some hormones into your body and peddling a bike really fast leads to half a billion dollars going to save peoples lives, I say pass the needle.

Human lives are always going to trump some stupid game/competition.

Cycling as a sport is dirty - it seems like 2/3 of the field is under suspicion of doping. So as far as I am concerned Armstrong was just better at cheating than everyone else. I don’t think he really had an unfair advantage as most of them dope anyway.

As has already been mentioned on top of that the dude has done tremendous good with his fund raising for cancer research.

Go after some current cyclists - the man made it through his riding days without testing positive and then raised a shit ton of money for an awful disease. Let the dude go.

I’m not letting it go. He didn’t test positive because he had a team of doctors to help him not to test positive. That makes him a good cheater, but still a cheater.

You can’t convict without a test. Sucks to have no moral standing, X.

Yeah, I always laughed at the “he hasn’t tested positive” line. Just because one doesn’t test positive doesn’t necessarily mean one didn’t cheat. People have been beating drug tests for decades.

There’s has to be a reason Lance just gave up the fight. Pretty sure it’s not because he was “tired”.

I guess you still believe in Bonds and Clemens “innocense” also? How about O.J.?

VA in this country we have something call Innocent Until Proven Guilty. No proof, we leave you alone.