Daily musings and oddities 🗓️

Lies No GIF

C’mon clt, gotta stay on top of what’s important! :wink:

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Guess Ye.still pissed about Sunday when he and his “naked” wife tried to crash the Grammys.


Good job, Alabama. Tuberville is dumber than dirt. He best not be cheering on Taylor’s Chiefs within earshot of DT. :rofl:

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Don’t want to repost the specific tweets (too vile), but Kanye is having a meltdown on Twitter.

If there’s something awful he could say, he’s pretty much said it. Apparently he likes swastikas and former fascist leaders who murdered millions.

Waiting for his PR team to try the “my account was hacked” hail mary…

Dude is completely gone. He needs help.

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It’s definitley on brand, he “loses it” every couple of years to get back in the limelight. I think its calculated.

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Definitely calculated, from wife’s see through attire at the Grammys on Sunday to today’s antisemitic etc tweets.

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No, I wouldn’t wear them. Too easy to crush the chips. But I did have a jacket in the Army that held 4 beers comfortably

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House Of Representatives Bbb GIF by GIPHY News

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Use to wear cargo pants to Greensboro Coliseum concerts in the 80s. Could put a 12 pack in pockets on both sides. We knew we would get busted but always figured that security would leave more than they would take because after 5 beers they did not think you would be stupid enough to try and sneak more than that in there. Never lost that game / bet and based the rest of my life on that type of reasoning.


Say what?! Looney Luna gonna get to the bottom of the JFK assassination. :roll_eyes:
