David Scott on Alan Major

WTF? Please tell me you are being sarcastic. No one is stupid enough to believe what you just said is true.

[quote=ā€œMajor_niner, post:13, topic:24290ā€]Trying to be nice hereā€¦So do you understand how vital a role local media is to getting your message out to casual fans? Its very important in creating a fan base and keeping it. Take a look at the A10 newspaper links. Our paper is 13th out of 14 (thx Fordham) in covering the ā€œhome team.ā€

Being happy with anything from the almighty Observer graciously gives you is the wrong approach. This is a city of 2m, the 23 biggest tv market, 7th best NCAA league last year, and a university of 25kā€¦whoā€™s been to the NCAAs 8 of last 15 yrs and a Final 4.

They preview the SW4A better. Donā€™t accept it.

REMEMBER, the only way to ever get games on TV for this market is to have eyeballs interested so advertising inventory is sold. It takes winning AND FAVORABLE MEDIA.[/quote]

Good post that deserves repeating, and thanks for explaining it to some of our fans. I still find it unbelievable that some fans have trouble with this simple and obvious concept.

[quote=ā€œChipper, post:20, topic:24290ā€][quote=ā€œCharSFNiners, post:7, topic:24290ā€][quote=ā€œJ Felt, post:6, topic:24290ā€]I wish the Observer would go ahead and change itā€™s name to the North Carolina Observer, because it sure doesnā€™t do much observation of Charlotte.

Great article, but why not do one on the seniors as well? Schedule breakdown?[/quote]

Yea itā€™s not like you canā€™t just get some fool off the street to do a roster preview for youā€¦ am I right?[/quote]

Huh? Ok, I admit, you lost me on that one. Are you saying anyone on the street knows about our roster? Not if they read the Observer, they donā€™t. Or were you trying to say something else?[/quote]

Something elseā€¦ by quoting JFelt, it was my way of hinting at that amazing and indepth roster preview provided on GTG.netā€¦

That I linked earlierā€¦

*Cough* [url=http://greentintedglasses.net/2010/10/charlotte-49ers-2010-2011-roster-breakdown/]http://greentintedglasses.net/2010/10/charlotte-49ers-2010-2011-roster-breakdown/[/url] *Cough*

Cough http://greentintedglasses.net/2010/11/charlotte-49ers-2010-2011-roster-breakdown-part-2/ Cough

GTG is great, donā€™t get me wrong; but this information needed to be available to everyone in Charlotte, especially Niner fans. Letā€™s face it, not everyone knows about GTG, and that is not a slam in any way toward GTG.

I read this as an article on how well Villa 7 prepares assistant coaches for head coaching jobs.

Iā€™m still scratching my head over the reference to Lavoy Allen as a guard, as well what appears now to be a Big O ā€œtraditionā€ of picking the Niners as the league darkhorse.

CharlotteObserver.com: Atlantic 10 Preview

From the Major article:
[left]ā€œCharlotte has a challenging, if not overwhelming, pre-conference schedule.ā€ ::slight_smile:

It is just sad to see how the 49ers get treated. I am originally from Fayetteville and all the way out there we got a daily dose of the big Three (State, Duke and girl-heels), I think the situation (which yes its that serious) has turned into North Carolinas best kept secret. a 25k - soon to be 30k school is hardly known in the entire state, not to mention in most of our athletic teams we either hold our own or give everyone a run for their money. I dont call this whining or groaning, I call it pride in my school, and a fan that is tired of being treated as if we are not a D1 school. They sit back and fear of football attendance and wonder why Halton is dead sometimes, but how in the world will the average working joe alum / bored family know anything here is going on?
Were not calling for a dedicated tv spot, though that would be nice, just a nice detailed call-out and updates in the paper would be nice. I make it a point on tuesday to just pick up a University Times


[quote=ā€œRun49er, post:25, topic:24290ā€]Iā€™m still scratching my head over the reference to Lavoy Allen as a guard, as well what appears now to be a Big O ā€œtraditionā€ of picking the Niners as the league darkhorse.

CharlotteObserver.com: Atlantic 10 Preview[/quote]

Well, considering we donā€™t even have ā€œdarkhorseā€ status nationally, Iā€™m okay with it from the O

[quote=ā€œitsbraille49, post:29, topic:24290ā€][quote=ā€œRun49er, post:25, topic:24290ā€]Iā€™m still scratching my head over the reference to Lavoy Allen as a guard, as well what appears now to be a Big O ā€œtraditionā€ of picking the Niners as the league darkhorse.

CharlotteObserver.com: Atlantic 10 Preview[/quote]

Well, considering we donā€™t even have ā€œdarkhorseā€ status nationally, Iā€™m okay with it from the O[/quote]

Double darkhorse statusā€¦ We are a darkhorse to become a darkhorse

clt bets that mike pā€™s pants are getting tight while reading this thread.


Double Bingo.