Daylight Savings Time - an end to the madness?

So this permanent DST has been tried before, it seems. Had widespread support at first in 1974. Then, after awhile, not so much. Seems that getting up and going to work before a glimmer of daylight might screw around with a person’s circadian rhythm. Who would have guessed?

That’s pretty much why I’d rather just go to standard time and stay there.

I have a coworker in Arizona and we were talking about this topic this week. Apparently they don’t do DST. He lived here for years before moving out there about 3 years ago. Said he never wants to go back to DST.

That 830 sunrise would be bad, but i think i could handle it better than the early sunset. It drives me nuts in winter time.

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I would imagine fewer kids walk to school now than did back then. And kids are already at the bus stop in the dark now without making this change.

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Yeah my kids bus if they were to ride comes by at 6:05am

clt says dst is as useless as the census

A kid catching a bus at 6 AM especially in the winter is BS. Schools have to figure out a better way.

Ours get on the bus around 6:30 depending on who is driving. Half of the time they have a sub or no driver at all until another bus driver finishes their route. They can’t find people willing to drive & put up with the kids for what they can pay. It’s really becoming a problem. Anyway as far as dst goes our kids already get on the bus in the dark so i will be happy for the change, if it happens, & an extra hour of daylight in the evenings during the winter.