DNC May Delay Start of Classes 3 Weeks


I hope we will be making some $ if we have to go through this instead of just making up for losses. Doesn’t seem right to me.

I will be transferring out if this is the case. I cannot wait another month to receive financial aid so CHP can drool over YET another power stronger than him.

Good to see Sindarintech back in the comments again. That person is/was the most negative person I saw when the football push was going on. I remember slugging it out several times.

However, this time I have to agree. Why would this affect students on campus? Why are we renting out our facilities to people in the first place? I don’t really understand why there is this disruption in classes…

Good to see Sindarintech back in the comments again. That person is/was the most negative person I saw when the football push was going on. I remember slugging it out several times.

However, this time I have to agree. Why would this affect students on campus? Why are we renting out our facilities to people in the first place? I don’t really understand why there is this disruption in classes…


When the DNC was announced I wondered if Charlotte had enough hotel rooms to facilitate such a large event, I guess they don’t…

This is embarrassing. Your academic schedule should be established for the benefits of the students. You should not be a whore of a university!!

One of the dumbest things i’ve ever read. I feel bad for current students there if this happens.

that is absolutely ridiculous. We look so weak as a university bending over and doing whatever the dem. convention expects. I really thought that was a joke when I read it. Talk about have a really screwed up semester.
It’ll be my senior year and I’ll be damned if I EVER give money to charlotte when i graduate if this actually goes through.

So you’re going to punish your future alma mater forever just because it’s temporary leaders make a controversial decision?

I don’t believe this is a cash cow 49R…

clt says a much bigger issue is that budget cuts will lead to fewer class options for students. many students will have to take another semester to graduate.

while at unc-ch, a few admissions folks will work less days.


i like how we are the most screwed school in the UNC system, ridiculous. at least students at chapel hill can graduate on time

Next fall is supposed to be my last semester. Glad I’ll be gone.

Down with Dubious.

What gets me is the DNC claims to be the party of education? :))

I am an old grad, but I will not be giving any more money if this happens.

This thread is funny.

If it was the RNC in Charlotte then the people posting that they are pissed or are going to stop donating to the school would be quiet, while the people that are quiet would be saying they are pissed or would stop donating.

gotta love American politics…

I disagree pretty strongly with most people on this, but I am not a current student and will not be affected.

No one is bending their will to anything here. If you don’t think having the DNC is a big deal and a privilege for the city, you are out of touch. People would want to go to it. Simple as that. It would affect the goings on of the University and we should feel lucky to have the chance for that to be the case. Apparently the city needs a place for people to stay, we should be proud to be helping the city host this event. If we want the city to take ownership of us, we can’t just turn our backs on it when it needs help.

People saying “I thought the Dems were the party of education” are only helping perpetuate the absurdity that the national political dialogue has become. You want things to be better? Then knock it off. They want people to have a chance at good education on a system wide scale, yes. To have a limited impact on a University does not contradict their stance. Whether you are Dem, Rep, or Non-Sheep :wink: , the DNC (and RNC) is a fantastic real world learning experience and opportunity for the host city; and rare events like this require special consideration from area facilities, such as our fine institution.

I do wonder what reactions would be like if the RNC was here and this was happening…

If you aren’t a Dem, this doesn’t mean you can’t participate at the DNC. I’m sure there will be plenty of non-Dems speaking against DNP ideals. I’ll have on my Ron Paul shirt or something if I go haha. And it’s always cool to see the POTUS, even if you don’t like him.


well said!

Does anybody know for sure if is happening or when the students could know about the schedule change (if this does happen)?

First off my not wanting school changed has nothing to do with my political affiliation as I am an independent that probably leans more toward the democratic side. I realize this is a big event. Fine. Cancel a week of school…not 3. No one has time for saturday school. I think some of you are forgetting what it was like to be a student and have to work around an already hectic schedule due to the fact that the school does not offer as many classes as it needs to. I realize that’s from lack of funding, but come on. I work only saturdays and sundays 10 hours each day. That is when my job needs me and I will not be able to continue working there if I have to go to school. I make 10.75 an hour, which to a college graduate might not seem like much, but for someone like me it is what keeps me afloat. So it is not like I can just go and find another job making that much. My classes already run to 6:15 as is because there is not a better class selection. I CAN NOT work during the week. Oh, and I’m a financial aid student so starting school 3 weeks late means I get my money 3 weeks later. How am I supposed to supplement that extra month of rent? I know for a fact that I am not alone on this so before everyone gets excited about “your political view is what fuels you,” that is an error in judgement. It’s not that the DNC isn’t important. It’s that making end’s meat ranks higher on my list of priorities. I, personally, sent an email addressed to every member of the BOG as someone listed in the comments section of the Observer article. I could not find Chancellor Dubois’ email address.