We already have a thread for movies, tv shows, and albums… might as well have one for books too. Here some I have read recently… what are some of your favorites?
The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide - Douglas Adams (I liked the first two books, but got bored and stopped on the third one.)
The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown
Deception Point - Dan Brown
Ender’s Game - Orson Scott Card
Non Fiction:
The Elegant Universe - Brian Greene
Visions - Michio Kaku
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan (Reading this one now… very good)
Read but didn’t like:
Choke - Chuck Palahniuk
Exploring Consciousness - Rita Carter
On the “to read” list:
Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan
The Fabric of the Cosmos - Brian Greene
Parallel Worlds - Michio Kaku
Phantoms in the Brain - V. S. Ramachandran
Prey - Michael Crichton
Ishmael, Brave New World, The Sun Also Rises, Great Gastby, Perfume, Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Amber Series, Edding’s Sparhawk series, Heart of Darkness
Non-Fiction: The Art of War, Jefferson, The Federalist Papers
Gotta read Romance of the THree Kingdoms, Atlas Shrugged, Stand on Zanzibar
Actual Air by david berman
A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace
White Noise by don delillio
How to Build your Home in the Woods by Bradford Angier
I like Harry Potter.
my wife likes
Empire of the Senseless by Kathy Acker
The Passion by Jeannette Winterson
Snow Crash by neal stephenson
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel garcia marquez
Just finished Steven King’s The Dark Tower series. That one started great, but really started to tank at the end. I’m convinced that 7 books in a piece of fiction is too many.
Same goes for Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series.
As for the Douglas Adams ones, I haven’t read them since college, but I think I started tanking somewhere in the 5th book.
[i]Originally posted by YankeeNiner[/i]@Jul 2 2005, 11:56 PM
[b] my favs have to be The Bible and "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom...it'll really make you re-evaluate your life. Heck, both of them will [/b]
Just finished The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes. Pretty much blew me away with how fast they went from discovering radioactivity to an atomic bomb and how much belief the government had in this group of scientists.
What I found just as fascinating was some of the political beliefs of some of the scientists. There were some that believed their creation would end war as they knew it. And perhaps it did.
There was one scientist who drove himself to exhaustion because he believed that the bomb had to be built and USED before the war was over so that the world would understand the power, and hold back usage in future conflicts. He worried that if not used, many countries would not truly understand the destructiveness, would stockpile them and then use them in a conflagration that would have disastrous impacts in a later war.