Fight song

I realize this may not be a big deal to some of you but one thing that has always driven me crazy is our fight song… which I love BTW.

It’s played more than anything else at home games, as it should, yet no one knows exactly what to do in unison so we just clap along until it eventually fades out. We even clap thru the paused parts. :man_shrugging:t2:

We need the students to establish a standard… claps, picks, Go Niners, whatever… and make sure all fans learn it. Those of us who were around during the glory days know how the students led the cheers and the alums would follow along.

Just my two cents but hopefully someone in the student section sees this and will take the lead. GO NINERS and it’s great to see the student section resurrected!


Sing it…… SING!!

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clt asks if norm is ok, he was upside down on the stairs yesterday