fire chapel hill phil

He only cares about chapel hill
He will never fire judy rose
Next chancellor should be an alum

[quote=“finalfourtyniners, post:1, topic:28614”]He only cares about chapel hill
He will never fire judy rose
Next chancellor should be an alum[/quote]

Phil has done some great things on the academic side, the buildings we have built under his watch have been great. He obviously bowed to Chapel Hill with regards to the medical wing in Charlotte. He did say yes to football, but the BoT was behind it so he politically was in a very tenuous spot if he had said no. I just think it is time for him to retire.

Levine Scholars program is incredible.

Phil Dubois will go down as a great Chancellor.

phil is not the problem

Would love to see Dubois contract. What bonus does he get when our RPI is over 150?

[quote=“NLP49, post:3, topic:28614”]Levine Scholars program is incredible.

Phil Dubois will go down as a great Chancellor.[/quote]

I dislike many of his points of view, but he has done many great things for the school, and he could have squashed football but he embraced it. I do not think he is the reason our mbb program is in shambles.

I honestly think he tries to keep his hands out of athletics as much as possible.

I agree to a point. I think he wants athletics to not interfere with his other duties and to have a certain image. I don’t think the losing matters much to him. Sideline demeanor and how a coach acts I think is far more important to him.

I agree to a point. I think he wants athletics to not interfere with his other duties and to have a certain image. I don’t think the losing matters much to him. Sideline demeanor and how a coach acts I think is far more important to him.[/quote]

Yea, basically, he doesn’t want to have to turn his attention to it. I think he made that pretty apparent in football and he seems content with the current state of bball. I have a feeling he was always picked last on the playground.

I agree to a point. I think he wants athletics to not interfere with his other duties and to have a certain image. I don’t think the losing matters much to him. Sideline demeanor and how a coach acts I think is far more important to him.[/quote]

Yea, basically, he doesn’t want to have to turn his attention to it. I think he made that pretty apparent in football and he seems content with the current state of bball. I have a feeling he was always picked last on the playground.[/quote]

As a point guard I hope. ;D

A few things will have to happen (or not happen) before we should try to fire Dubois.

  1. Alan Major doesn’t address the state of the program with the public and give a decent path forward

  2. Then, Judy Rose doesn’t make any adjustments in terms of dealing with Major

  3. Finally, Dubois fails to take action with the shortcomings of Rose’s handling of Major.

Fortunately for Phil, we have football now. I don’t think Judy can lean on football however.

Agree. Which really is not a bad thing. He is the head of a large research university. Our primary mission, really our only true mission is Academics. He’s got a lot on his plate, I would doubt he spends 5 to 10% of his time worrying about MBB (or athletics in general). He has a person for that. That would be the AD.

I would be more worried if he spent the majority of his time on athletics.

[quote=“Universal, post:12, topic:28614”]A few things will have to happen (or not happen) before we should try to fire Dubois.

  1. Alan Major doesn’t address the state of the program with the public and give a decent path forward

  2. Then, Judy Rose doesn’t make any adjustments in terms of dealing with Major

  3. Finally, Dubois fails to take action with the shortcomings of Rose’s handling of Major.

Fortunately for Phil, we have football now. I don’t think Judy can lean on football however.[/quote] 4) In the grand scheme. men’s basketball would have to be the priority of the university.

Agree. Which really is not a bad thing. He is the head of a large research university. Our primary mission, really our only true mission is Academics. He’s got a lot on his plate, I would doubt he spends 5 to 10% of his time worrying about MBB (or athletics in general). He has a person for that. That would be the AD.

I would be more worried if he spent the majority of his time on athletics.[/quote]

By 2008-2009, he had a REAL problem with Bobby Lutz. That alone had a huge effect on MBB.

We are an academic institution first. A floundering basketball program is not a reason to fire a Chancellor. I’d still call him “Chapel Hill Phil,” but he has done good things at this school as well.

clt points out that we are lacking the massive and systemic academic fraud of UNC CHeat.

Thank You

this is a ridiculous thread. Phil has done great things for this university esp. on the academic end. That’s his focus. The problems with our Bball program fall on Major and Rose

Phil is fine. He has accomplished more than any other chancellor since Bonnie IMO.