Football Website

New and Improved. If its been a while check it out.


Very nice!! Thanks for updating the site. It was in need of an update.

That’s quite impressive. Great job.

Everyone should thank C49er, he’s done the work.

Thanks guys. If any of you have ideas, creativity, or have something you would like to contribute to the site, please send me a PM. I am planning to add some new things, try some new layouts, etc. over the next little while. I just started messing with it, so I’m planning to have several updates over the next couple of days and weeks.


Excellent job C49er!

Thanks for the hard work C49er!

I like it! :thumbsup: Nice job!

Very nice work. Don’t forget to send it to Chapel Hill Phil…

:49ers: :thumbsup: :clap:

[QUOTE=C49er;327210]Thanks guys. If any of you have ideas, creativity, or have something you would like to contribute to the site, please send me a PM. I am planning to add some new things, try some new layouts, etc. over the next little while. I just started messing with it, so I’m planning to have several updates over the next couple of days and weeks.[/QUOTE]

I am glad the Great White North has not impacted your ability to do quality work in the 49er Football Movement!

Nice dude! Looking great!!

[QUOTE=NinerWupAss;327233]I am glad the Great White North has not impacted your ability to do quality work in the 49er Football Movement![/QUOTE]

Well I don’t get to go to any of the NNN lunches, basketball games, or any of the other fun stuff so I have to find some way to stay connected. I feel like if I stop caring, then CHP has conquered me. I’m not ready to let that happen quite yet.

Well I don't get to go to any of the NNN lunches, basketball games, or any of the other fun stuff so I have to find some way to stay connected. I feel like if I stop caring, then CHP has conquered me. I'm not ready to let that happen quite yet.

That’s all respectable and everything, but since you’re a Habs fan, I hate you.