Free throw shooring

Here is a sad stat, we are almost shooting the same from 3 point range as we are from the FT line.

We are 60% as a team from the FT line and 53% from three.

This poor free throw shooting has already cost us one game and will end up costing us many more if we don’t right the ship

Outside of Balwin (83%) and EJ (77%) the rest of the numbers are disgusting and embarrassing. Plavich is shooting a team low 28%.

I thought the FT% was awesome last game, but it doesn’t look so according to the box score. Either way, it was an improvement. Keep it up.

[i]Originally posted by C49er[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 09:53 AM [b] I thought the FT% was awesome last game, but it doesn't look so according to the box score. Either way, it was an improvement. Keep it up. [/b]
20 for 31. Withers was 0-4 and Plavich 0-2. Two guys you would expect to hit them. Goes from 64% to 83% if they hit all of them. Everyone else was solid.

The Plavich % is a little misleading. He has only 7 attempts on the year. I think he will shoot better (atleast I hope so). Agree though that we have to improve, however if you take away Wither’s 4 misses last night we actually shot pretty well.

Take away Plav’s 0-2 and Withers’ 0-4 and we were 20-25 (80%) as a team last night. I could live with that. Withers really needs to be a good consistent FT shooter since he should be getting to the line a lot when we start getting him the ball more. I’m not sure what Plav’s problem is… is there a rule against shooting FTs from the 3 pt line?

[i]Originally posted by LutzFan[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 10:07 AM [b]is there a rule against shooting FTs from the 3 pt line?[/b]
As long as you stay within the 6 foot circle it's legal. I think Plav should move all the way back and shoot fadeaway FT's.
[i]Originally posted by LutzFan[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 10:07 AM [b] Take away Plav's 0-2 and Withers' 0-4 and we were 20-25 (80%) as a team last night. I could live with that. Withers really needs to be a good consistent FT shooter since he should be getting to the line a lot when we start getting him the ball more. I'm not sure what Plav's problem is.... is there a rule against shooting FTs from the 3 pt line? [/b]
Unfortunately you just can't "take away" somones misses. Its all part of the game.
[i]Originally posted by ballboy+Dec 2 2004, 11:14 AM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (ballboy @ Dec 2 2004, 11:14 AM)
[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 01:24 PM [b] Unfortunately you just can't "take away" somones misses. Its all part of the game. [/b]
Thank you captain obvious. Thats why I said I [i]could[/i] live with 80%... we aren't there yet.

We shouldn’t have so many players go 0-2 during one trip to the line. That happend 4 times last night I think (Withers twice, Plav, and Eddie). We need to get at least one each trip. I guess confidence-wise the second shot becomes much more diffucult after missing the first one.

[i]Originally posted by LutzFan+Dec 2 2004, 01:51 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (LutzFan @ Dec 2 2004, 01:51 PM)

Wither’s free throw “form” is the most obvious example of our coach’s lack of ability to teach free throw shooting as a repeatable process. Every good FT shooter has a routine they go through, the same each time, before shooting a FT. No, it doesn’t help Jason Kidd make the FT’s when he kisses the sky each time, but it’s part of his routine and he repeats it every single time. Withers gets the ball and fires it up, it’s pretty terrible. Somebody needs to teach him to do something everytime the ref gives him the ball. Take three dribbles, kiss the ball, touch his kneecaps, do the macarena, anything, he just needs a routine(most of the players on our team need this as well, Withers is just the most obvious). Give these guys a routine they can do everytime they are at the line just to get their head straight and the form on the shot will become as repeatable as taking a couple of dribbles before shooting.

[i]Originally posted by Butter49er[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 08:19 PM [b] Wither's free throw "form" is the most obvious example of our coach's lack of ability to teach free throw shooting as a repeatable process. Every good FT shooter has a routine they go through, the same each time, before shooting a FT. No, it doesn't help Jason Kidd make the FT's when he kisses the sky each time, but it's part of his routine and he repeats it every single time. Withers gets the ball and fires it up, it's pretty terrible. Somebody needs to teach him to do something everytime the ref gives him the ball. Take three dribbles, kiss the ball, touch his kneecaps, do the macarena, anything, he just needs a routine(most of the players on our team need this as well, Withers is just the most obvious). Give these guys a routine they can do everytime they are at the line just to get their head straight and the form on the shot will become as repeatable as taking a couple of dribbles before shooting. [/b]
Withers and Basden have no pre-shot routine. They literally change it every trip to the line. Basden was going behind his back with the ball against Rutgers on a few trips! Withers dribbles it sometimes, other times he just chucks it right up there and lord only knows what Plavich is doing up there.

This is all on the coaching staff…coughbobbycough. They should all be practicing a pre shot-routine and clearly they are not. It is important to have in pressure situations because the familiarity of the routine makes a player feel more comfortable and helps relax them.

[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 08:07 PM [b] Oh, I'm captain obvious? You're the [b]genious[/b] that stated if we took away two players that went 0-6 we would have shot a greater percentage.

Guess what, if you take away and 0-6 from any teams percentage on any team from any game, they are most likey 80% or better. [/b]

Yes cap’n o… and now you’re also the genius that can’t spell genius.

I think everyone on this board knows that we can’t take away misses after a game is over. The point I was making is that aside from 2 players, our free throw shooting was good last night.

[b]Guess what, if you take away and 0-6 from any teams percentage on any team from any game, they are most likey 80% or better.[/b]

Remember the Rutgers game from last week? Take away 6 of our misses that game and we are still only at 50%.

[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 08:27 PM [b]Withers and Basden have no pre-shot routine. They literally change it every trip to the line. Basden was going behind his back with the ball against Rutgers on a few trips! Withers dribbles it sometimes, other times he just chucks it right up there and lord only knows what Plavich is doing up there.

This is all on the coaching staff…coughbobbycough. They should all be practicing a pre shot-routine and clearly they are not. It is important to have in pressure situations because the familiarity of the routine makes a player feel more comfortable and helps relax them.[/b]

Basden did the behind the back all year until the end of the Rutgers game. You can’t change your routine in the middle of a game, especially at key times at the end. Just a perfect example of our coach’s ineptness at teaching free throws.

[i]Originally posted by LutzFan[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 08:35 PM [b] Guess what, if you take away and 0-6 from any teams percentage on any team from any game, they are most likey 80% or better. [/QUOTE] Yes cap'n o... and now you're also the genius that can't spell genius.

Remeber the Rutgers game from last week? Take away 6 of our misses that game and we are still only at 50%. [/b]

[b]Remeber the Rutgers game from last week?[/b]

If you’re going to jump on people for accidentally mispelling words, you better make sure that you get them all right yourself, Einstein. Classic.

[i]Originally posted by LutzFan+Dec 2 2004, 08:35 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (LutzFan @ Dec 2 2004, 08:35 PM)
[i]Originally posted by LutzFan+Dec 2 2004, 08:35 PM-->
[b]QUOTE[/b] (LutzFan @ Dec 2 2004, 08:35 PM)
[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 09:39 PM [b] If you're going to jump on people for accidentally [b]mispelling[/b] words, you better make sure that you get them all right yourself, Einstein. Classic. [/b]
....and you just misspelled "misspelling." It doesn't get any more classic than that. :lol: :lol: :lol:
[b]That doesn't make any sense. It is a team percentage and the team did not shoot well from the line. It's like saying "everyone on the team can dunk, if you take away the 3 guys that can't". Like Parcels says, "you are what you are". We shot 64% from the free throw line.[/b]

I’m not sure what your point is here cap’n. We all know that it is a team percentage. It is still a valid point that most of our team shot well from the line last night. As a whole, we still need to improve… no one is contradicting that.

Why is the topic named Free throw shooring (yeah that’s how its spelled) when you guys are obviously more interested in a spelling bee…Now children who can spell cat?

[i]Originally posted by 49erFan1[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 10:32 PM [b] Why is the topic named Free throw shooring (yeah that's how its spelled) when you guys are obviously more interested in a spelling bee...Now children who can spell cat? [/b]
Eggsalad pointe. Who started this mispelling be anywaze? Come on guys, get a grip. :rolleyes: