There were some people who left yesterday unhappy. I would like to hear from them because the AD will forever need constructive criticism when hosting these kinds of events. It’s for everyone’s benefit.
I know I was unhappy. I waited in line for 2 hours and all I got was a polo with the C Pick.
I am unhappy that I was out of town on vacation & couldn’t make it. The prices were pretty awesome & that’s why it was very busy. Better than charging way too much & no one showing up or not doing it at all.
I was happy. Then unhappy. Then I became happier. Perplexing. For the first time in my life, I almost bought women’s clothing and kind of regret not seeing if there were some big chic baseball gear that might fit. My wife and oldest girl got some nice jerseys. I nabbed a few football jerseys including an original white and an original green. I will keep two jerseys and friends are getting the other 3. Wished I could have bought a wooden bat and batting helmet. Great work Mr. AD.
I was upset at first, but happy now because there is no way anyone can doubt the fans want more. It is time to stop treating the brand and the school as small time. I think we are seeing the start of something special.
My Thoughts:
- They thought the turnout would be low. We have been begging for years for better apparel. Niner Nation will spend money on items.
- This is a bigger issue, but there are not a lot of perks being a FSL owner. I got there at 3:35PM the line was already long. I was next to a student who just wanted to get there before 4. No one without season tickets should have been in the main line in front of season ticket holders
- I saw players buying their own jerseys. I would have gladly bought for them. Maybe there is some rules they don’t get to keep, but they all work hard and should be able to keep a jersey.
- Anything in August afternoon, please be inside.
- Because I was in line and got the last football jersey, I wish they would have limited everyone to few items, so everyone got something. I felt so bad for the people behind me.
Bottom line we showed everyone we do have fans, we will show up and that is what made it a success.
Honestly this is no different than trying to score tix to your favorite concert/play/event. People just need to realize that you need to get there early. Actually, the problem will get worse over time with Hill and company. As staff were checking the season ticket holders they were looking at a printout. The print out looked to be about 25-30 pages long and single sided print. This list WILL grow!!!
I also understand why they didn’t do this in the past now. I think everyone took the buzz around the program well, but I know a bunch of folks got nothing. For the record, the last time UNC did this, people camped out.
This is so true!
They way I see my perk is that we finally have football.
I’m sure Hill would like to know that being a FSL owner has no perks. So whoever on here has those connections should share this him.
Look, I know y’all are frustrated, but we have to grow this fanbase. We gotta be real careful not to alienate the people we are trying to bring in. I appreciate the FSL holders, but with all due respect we gotta find ways to get new blood.
How often can they realistically do this kind of sale? This is probably stuff that has accumulated over 10+ years.
I was third in line getting there only 25 minutes before the sale opened. Whenever this rolls back around in several years, I feel like I won’t be that lucky again.
And it’s veering off topic a bit, but I also agree that there’s not much perk of being an FSL holder right now. I mean, it IS true that we literally funded the program off the ground, so there’s that, but at present we’re paying a LOT more for our tickets than other people getting the same value.
Those of us that bought in at the beginning had a reason to buy in (because we were told that was literally the only way in the door), but there’s absolutely zero reason for anyone to buy an FSL right now.
I am sure it will not take another 10 years. I am not sure how the gear qualifies to be in the sale but 3 or the 4 jerseys I got are in excellent condition and could have been used more. For example, one jersey I bought was a 2XL. The players that wore that jersey ranged from 6’ to 6’6 and 300-345 lbs. that could have been worn by anyone with the same number several more times. Like I mentioned before, I am sure they have several sets of jerseys each season. Baseball and basketball probably wouldn’t have as much but since there are a limited number of players on a team, certain numbers may be available from season to season.
We were told that, but it was also the only way we were getting a program at that time too.
Other schools do an online auction after the season for game worn apparel. Would probs make more money. I know for a stone cold fact two of the items I got for 20 bucks would have sold in the 100’s.
With regards to the auction route, what we do one year, we don’t have to do the next. What I liked about what we did this year is that it wasn’t income-linked. People who just buy season tickets and nothing else could get access to gear that normally requires much deeper pockets. That builds the ties between supporter and program. We could follow that up with a more limited, auction-oriented sale the next year. It brings in as much cash with fewer items and allows stock to be built up for a subsequent year.
The one main suggestion item I have is move it indoors if possible. It was hot, which was unpleasant but tolerable. If I was at the back of the line and missed out after waiting in the heat it’d have been all the more disappointing. If a storm popped up it would have been a shitshow.
clt likes an online auction with the higher ranking 49er club folks getting the first pass at gear
I like having it paired with Fan Fest, think it brought a ton to people to it. Also I didn’t think about it at the time but how cool would it have been to get a #19 and have this year’s players sign it?
It absolutely needs to be inside.
I’d have some players from the teams shaking hands and socializing with the people in line.
Multiple check out areas.
Preference for FSL/Season Ticket Holders.
Cap on number of items you can buy (need as many people to get something as possible)
Raise prices as little.
Also this is near as damning evidence as can be provided to B&N’s abject failure with our merchandise. Still it was a great sight to see the demand for this type of event. Very encouraging.
I can’t believe in this age of technology that they had two people on laptops typing in credit card numbers so you could check out. Anyone over there heard of Square?