Goldwire anyone?

I screamed for about 2 hours after the game after Plav’s shot. And although Mr. negative 49erpi talkes more crap about the our team and the game, like he does every other game, I do have to agree with him a little. We played like crap, too many threes, and you could go on and on. But something I realized is the talent we have in Leemire Goldwire. I was kind of upset early this year with his play, but every game he shows improvments. Today he showed leadership and talent. He can drive, he can shoot, and he can play defense. He’s not the best on the team, but next year or in 2 years I think he could be one of our best players in the past few years (that is if he stays on track where he is now). He does have stupid turnovers every game, but they are getting less and less. Today he did something that looked stupid but if I was in his postion would have done too. That is after making threes and looking like he was on fire, he tries to pop a long off balence three with a guy in his face and almost air balls it. I’m hoping he’ll turn into an Eddie Basden, a guy who we can count on every game to be consistantly good (which is hard to come by as a Niner).

L. Goldwire- 28 points, 3-7 from the arc,1-2 free throws, 1 steal, 4 rebounds, and finished out with 14 points…not the greatest stats but he played very well and I think he’s gonna be great for us conferance time and in the next few years.

49erpi talks crap about our team? :lol:

Agreed about Leemire tonight. I thought he played very well despite being out on control on the offensive end a time or two.

Leemire will eventually be refered to as an “exciting player to watch”. You can definately see his progression up to this point, and his performance will only get better and more reliable the more he settles into the college game and our system. You see his ability to drive, pass, and shoot come through more and more as this happens.

His game tonight was his best thus far imo and hopefully he keeps up the good work through the season.

I look forward to seing more of Lamar Greenwire in the future.

What a couple of jokes those announcers were…

Very nice game out of Goldwire… nance played well too. Bad game out of Iti and Withers.

And yes, the announcers were terrible. You would think if someone is going to commentate a game on television they would take the time to learn how to pronounce all of the players names… it really wouldn’t take that long. The color commentator pronounced Plavich’s name about four different ways throughout the game. Pavlick? :wacko:

  1. it was espn plus
  2. indiana is not near what it has been in the past
  3. its Christmas, big guys are at home right now

Lee had a strong night overall; he took a few questionable shots, but who didn’t tonight?

The Play by Play guy was Tom Hamilton, radio voice of the Cleveland Indians! Go Tribe.

Leemire will be RUINED next year under Bobby Lutz’s coaching. With Plavich gone it will be up to him to fill the role as a Greenlight Three Bomb shooter just like Plavich did Demon. Plavich gave a little pump fake last year and tried to drive a time or two, you dont see any of the this year. Goldwire could be a excellent point guard, but that role will stay with Mitchell. Lutz will not develop his game. He hasnt developed Mitchells game - still a fast break guy. Lutz could start by teaching our guards entry passes. Sad to say cuz Leemire is awesome.


[i]Originally posted by Hooligan[/i]@Dec 23 2004, 11:04 AM [b] Leemire will be ruined next year under Bobby Lutz's coaching. With Plavich gone it will be up to him to fill the role as a Greenlight Three Bomb shooter just like Plavich did Demon. Plavich gave a little pump fake last year and tried to drive a time or two, you dont see any of the this year. Goldwire could be a excellent point guard, but that role will stay with Mitchell. Lutz will not develop his game. He hasnt developed Mitchells game - still a fast break guy. Lutz could start by teaching our guards entry passes. Sad to say cuz Leemire is awesome. [/b]
Notice who was running the point in the last 3 minutes...Goldwire. Lutz loves the guy at the point. He has the tools and he's going to be fun to watch for 4 years.

i agree about goldwire. I like him at the point much better than baldwin. He looks like he can drive and dish or pull up and hit a short runner. he looks like the PG we’ve been missing for awhile.