Guess Who's Back?Hummell/Packman/ECU

Hey guys! I know you’re all just sooo happy to see me here. I was just coming by to offer some conversation since this board is so dead and boring.

It sounds like to me that Packman was being very nice to the whiney UNC-C fans. He told the QCB that if he didn’t talk about UNC-C for the rest of the year, his 100k debt would be cleared. He did this because he was sick of hearing you guys cry about it. I think he takes pitty on you and feels bad for the 49’ers. You should be happy.

ECU/UNC-C game today. I’m sure if your fans make it, they will see what I was talking about when I say “College Town” and what they’re missing out on. Charlotte just hasn’t taken UNC-C seriously. ECU is Greenville…Greenville wouldn’t survive without it. If you’re gonna be at the game, do yourself a favor and spend the night…take a trip downtown to see what it’s like to be in college.

As for myself, I’m just looking for a good game and to have some conversation with you UNC-C fans. Good luck and GO DAMN PIRATES!

I remember meeting friends in the 80’s to party at ECU. I think it got so bad that it actually hurt the acedemic reputation of ECU. The Whiney part no longer applies. 49er fans have not been calling the show or whineing about anything.

For a team that has never beaten us and had their ass handed to them once this year you sure are free with running your yap.

At least radio stations talk about us. The only time EZU gets mentioned is when you fire yet another coach.

Hope you’re ready to end our conference series with the knowledge that you’ve never beaten us.

Your team sucks, your school is garbage and if North Carolina needed an enima Greenville is where they’d stick the hose.


[i]Originally posted by Hummell[/i]@Jan 29 2005, 08:58 AM [b] Hey guys! I know you're all just sooo happy to see me here. I was just coming by to offer some conversation since this board is so dead and boring.

It sounds like to me that Packman was being very nice to the whiney UNC-C fans. He told the QCB that if he didn’t talk about UNC-C for the rest of the year, his 100k debt would be cleared. He did this because he was sick of hearing you guys cry about it. I think he takes pitty on you and feels bad for the 49’ers. You should be happy.

ECU/UNC-C game today. I’m sure if your fans make it, they will see what I was talking about when I say “College Town” and what they’re missing out on. Charlotte just hasn’t taken UNC-C seriously. ECU is Greenville…Greenville wouldn’t survive without it. If you’re gonna be at the game, do yourself a favor and spend the night…take a trip downtown to see what it’s like to be in college.

As for myself, I’m just looking for a good game and to have some conversation with you UNC-C fans. Good luck and GO DAMN PIRATES! [/b]

[b]ECU is Greenville[/b]

Greenville is a shithole.

Here’s an idea, trying beating us once in your history before running your mouth. It makes your smack talk bearable.

i will give ecu credit for a team that sucks at almost everything. excluding maybe baseball, cause so many care about that. They do have some hardcore fans.

[i]Originally posted by ninerID[/i]@Jan 29 2005, 09:10 AM [b] i will give ecu credit for a team that sucks at almost everything. excluding maybe baseball, cause so many care about that. They do have some hardcore fans. [/b]
Have you been to greenville? What else is there to do?

49erpi, from that statement, I can tell that you’ve never been there.

I never said that ECU would win this game, nor did I say we won any other game vs you guys in the past. All I’m saying is ECU is a real college, unlike UNC-C community college.

[i]Originally posted by Hummell[/i]@Jan 29 2005, 09:19 AM [b] 49erpi, from that statement, I can tell that you've never been there.

I never said that ECU would win this game, nor did I say we won any other game vs you guys in the past. All I’m saying is ECU is a real college, unlike UNC-C community college. [/b]

[b]49erpi, from that statement, I can tell that you've never been there.[/b]


I have been to greenvile probably 10 times, most recently watching us beat you last season from the front row of that pathetic gym you play in with one banner hanging in it.

The town is a poverty ridden dump.

[b] I never said that ECU would win this game, nor did I say we won any other game vs you guys in the past.[/b]

And I said don’t talk smack about a school that owns you.

Calling Charlotte a connunity college shows how little you kniow about us.

[b]Calling Charlotte a connunity college shows how little you kniow about us. [/b]

And THAT is the UNCC education at work.

54-51 ECU

Suck on that

[i]Originally posted by Hummell[/i]@Jan 29 2005, 04:39 PM [b]
[b]Calling Charlotte a connunity college shows how little you kniow about us. [/b]

And THAT is the UNCC education at work.

54-51 ECU

Suck on that [/b]

And we still own you asshole. Consider that a going away present. Oh and how did the pathetic Clemson tigers do today at home against an average NC State team?

Well, I am sorry that I was so civilized in my post about the attitude of Charlotte fans. You really are the cream of the NC crop aren’t you? Using words like that must explain why you can’t spell PIRATES WIN!

[b]The town is a poverty ridden dump.[/b]

actually it’s not, but the western part of town is where the lower-income areas are, and unfortunately for most, that’s the first (and only) thing besides the college they see of greenville

take the full tour before you call the place a poverty ridden dump … take a look in Dave Mirra’s neighborhood for starters … charlotte’s got it’s bad areas too, but what place doesn’t?

Can’t believe I missed this thread! Greenville is a dump? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have lived in LA, Miami, Birmingham and yes, Charlotte for five years. I love my visits back to Greenville, a real college town. Charlotte sucks ass. It’s a banking town with big buildings…that’s it. The town closes up at 6 PM like a small town of 5000. Sorry guys, bigger doesn’t equal better in this case. Once you are done with the numerous strip malls, what is there to do in Charlotte? The traffick sucks, downtown is boring and you have to drive miles to find a good place for great outdoor activity. There are more slums in Charlotte that receive no attention from the city counsel. They just sit there and rot while the city wastes money on other projects.

Charlotte is nothing but a wannabee big city. Have any of you guys ever seen a big city? if you have, that is not what you would aspire to be. I will not raise my children in a place with more than 100K people. Quality of life is to important.

7-1 in conference play vs. the Pirate’s. Congratulations, the sun shined on your ass. Greenville might be a college town, but take it away, and you have a poverty stricken run down town in the ugliest part of the state. You have yourself another Wilson.

To each his own, I guess. I’ll be leaving this craphole I live in now and moving back to greenville the first chance I get. If you think Eastern NC is the ugliest part of the state, so be it, that’s your opinion. I love eastern NC. You have to have an appreciation of what it offers to understand. I love being able to make a short drive to be in the middle of nowehere. I love being able to take my kids on quiet boatrides through the small creeks and streams connecting to the numerous rivers. I love being able to take them to the beaches that some of you probably don’t even know about. If you prefer the noise and traffick of a bigger city, that’s fine, but once I’m finished here, I’ll never return. But you obviously have never seen much of greenville if you think it’s a poverty stricken town. Are there some bad areas? Yes, just like Charlotte and every other city. Some of you have never lived anywhere else. I feel sorry for you.

[i]Originally posted by irate[/i]@Jan 31 2005, 03:19 PM [b] To each his own, I guess. I'll be leaving this craphole I live in now and moving back to greenville the first chance I get. If you think Eastern NC is the ugliest part of the state, so be it, that's your opinion. I love eastern NC. You have to have an appreciation of what it offers to understand. I love being able to make a short drive to be in the middle of nowehere. I love being able to take my kids on quiet boatrides through the small creeks and streams connecting to the numerous rivers. I love being able to take them to the beaches that some of you probably don't even know about. If you prefer the noise and traffick of a bigger city, that's fine, but once I'm finished here, I'll never return. But you obviously have never seen much of greenville if you think it's a poverty stricken town. Are there some bad areas? Yes, just like Charlotte and every other city. Some of you have never lived anywhere else. I feel sorry for you. [/b]
In what deep recess of your brain do you think anyone here gives a damn about anything you just said?

For goodness sakes leave.

Still got the gun to your head I see. :lol: Go ahead man, just pull the dang trigger.

[i]Originally posted by irate[/i]@Jan 31 2005, 03:27 PM [b] Still got the gun to your head I see. :lol: Go ahead man, just pull the dang trigger. [/b]
No, I don't live in Greenville and I'm not you. Those are really the only grounds for suicide I can come up with.
[i]Originally posted by irate[/i]@Jan 31 2005, 03:19 PM [b] I love being able to make a short drive to be in the middle of nowehere. I love being able to take my kids on quiet boatrides through the small creeks and streams connecting to the numerous rivers. [/b]

Would someone please get Daniel Boone his coonskin cap and canoe paddle, and point him in the direction of Niagara Falls?