Hoopville guru has Niners as 1st round victim

Hoopville.com: NCAA Tournament Crystal Ball


He also has Vermont beating Pitt. Yeeeah right.

That guy will eat his words when we win the national championship

This guy is the epitome of a carolina grad, pays attention to the ACC, outside of that has all the basketball knowledge of Dick Vitale. Do some research outside of what you know, moron!

Wake wouldn’t lose to Washington either…

Any team that can’t beat the Beavers will lose to Wake.

[i]Originally posted by NormanNiner[/i]@Feb 18 2005, 01:04 PM [b] He also has Vermont beating Pitt. Yeeeah right. [/b]
Well, Bucknell did win at Pitt...

Someone email him and let him know we’ve whipped Miami FL before with less talent than we have now and when they had far more. There’s still a pretty good possibility Miami won’t even make it.

What a tard.

I agree with MK, what all of a sudden they are world beaters since they are in the ACC? They are still the same team we played over the last few years.

[i]Originally posted by MKNiner[/i]@Feb 18 2005, 02:38 PM [b] Someone email him and let him know we've whipped Miami FL before with less talent than we have now and when they had far more. [/b]
Yes, that's true, but Perry Clark is no longer the coach of the Canes... :rolleyes: :P


Yes, we did beat them in the past, but that was before they joined the almighty ACC. Everyone knows that means they will beat us :rolleyes:

The ACC makes me sick. I was watching Gamenight last night and they were debating that any team with 8 wins should “automatically” get in. Give me a freaking break. They were practically punching Va. Tech’s ticket to the dance. The same team that lost to VMI, Western Michigan, St. John’s, and Virginia. But hey they may get to 8 wins in the “greatest” conference ever, so give em a 4 seed.

Dammit! Makes no sense to watch the tournament now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do ya reckon he might hear from the fans of, oh, 32 schools or so?

[i]Originally posted by Mike_Persinger[/i]@Feb 18 2005, 03:57 PM [b] Do ya reckon he might hear from the fans of, oh, 32 schools or so? [/b]
Naw, can't believe he'd hear from more than 27 teams. :D

The people from Monmouth, Alabama A&M, Portland St, Samford & Coppin St are just happy to hear their names on Selection Sunday.

[b]Picks #12 Miami-FL over #5 Charlotte[/b]

Guillermo Diaz, meet Eddie Basden. I think he forgot that Eddie is on OUR team.

This guy is typical ACC UNC-CH fan. There are no better basketball teams in USA than ACC teams. I see he has Duke and UNC-CH in final 4. I for one dont think Duke will get that far. ACC overrated and will get wiped in tournament

I think that guy just need an annual “12 over 5” pick. Either way, it’s stupid - Miami is not a bad team, but they aren’t good. No real scorers and their coach was shellshocked in the Clemson game. I watched that whole game and they are not that good.

[i]Originally posted by MKNiner[/i]@Feb 18 2005, 02:38 PM [b] Someone email him and let him know we've whipped Miami FL before with less talent than we have now and when they had far more. There's still a pretty good possibility Miami won't even make it.

What a tard. [/b]

8-8 in the ACC gets you in…with a fairly good rpi…

[i]Originally posted by NormanNiner[/i]@Feb 18 2005, 01:04 PM [b] He also has Vermont beating Pitt. Yeeeah right. [/b]
How many points you giving Vermont? As I stated in a post a few weeks ago, I would want no part of Vermont in a tourney game. Coppenrath (leading scorer in the nation) and Sorentine give them a formidable 1-2 punch. Sure, they did get wacked at Carolina, but they only lost by 7 at Kansas, and their RPI is 15, that's right, 15.
[b] Wake wouldn't lose to Washington either...

Any team that can’t beat the Beavers will lose to Wake.[/b]

I’m sure everybody thought Wake would crush VCU last year also. Washington is exactly the type of team that could beat Wake. The question about Wake has always been their defense. UW likes to push the ball, averaging 87.3 ppg, 2nd in the nation. Chris Paul would have no advantage over Nate Robinson, the best player in the country under 6’ tall.

I think more people on this board need to do research.

UVM got whacked at Chapel Hill was playing at their peak. NC@chapel hill is not the same team they were in Nov. and Dec., UVM would give them a hell of a game right now.

Any school that has Phish sing the naional anthem should be spotted an extra five points for impeccable taste! :asta: :drool:

[i]Originally posted by Smoothieking[/i]@Feb 18 2005, 11:49 PM [b]I think more people on this board need to do research.[/b]
Honest question for you. He's got DePaul over Notre Dame in the first round. I could completely see DePaul beating Notre Dame, but that's mostly because they already did so at Notre Dame during the regular season. Is there something I'm missing that prevents DePaul and Notre Dame from being in different regions, or moving one of them up or down a seed to prevent this? I know the NCAA tries to avoid these kind of match-ups in the first round, and I couldn't find anything that made it necessary for him to put these two up against each other immediately. Just curious.