How hard it is to be a Niner fan

1- no TV
2- ā€œliveā€ internet feeds donā€™t work
3- no radio that anyone outside of downtown Charlotte can hear
4- the local paper acts like we are a laughingstock (hard to argue right now)
5- routinely and I mean routinely have loses to teams like Monmouth

Feel free to expand the list

  1. no football
  1. horrible advertisment for games

(it is getting better though with the local commercials etc.)

Hootie, Iā€™ll have to say that the Big O has actually done us pretty good so far. And weā€™re not the biggest laughingstock in Charlotte ā€“ the Panthers own that one!!!

  1. Your head basketball coach interviews for a job as the new head coach of Team USA. The University of South Alabama.
  1. Consistently lose/choke/get jobbed by the refs ('77, UNC OT, NCSU, etc) every time your team has a chance to make a big splash

[QUOTE=Florida49er;270219]9. Consistently lose/choke/get jobbed by the refs ('77, UNC OT, NCSU, etc) every time your team has a chance to make a big splash[/QUOTE]

Addendum to #9 ā€“ versus Kentucky at Rupp Arena during Mullins era

[QUOTE=hootie;270205]1- no TV
2- ā€œliveā€ internet feeds donā€™t work
3- no radio that anyone outside of downtown Charlotte can hear
4- the local paper acts like we are a laughingstock (hard to argue right now)
5- routinely and I mean routinely have loses to teams like Monmouth

Feel free to expand the list[/QUOTE]

ā€œteams like Monmouthā€ -?

I can relate to the pain of being a Niner fan. Who here canā€™t? But for me itā€™s how we lostā€¦ not who we lost to. At least it is now.

I ****ing hate snobs, and Iā€™m not calling you a snob, but, ALL the effing time I hear statements like your number 5 from our fans, who of coarse unconsciously have their heads up the ACCā€™s ass.

They do. They deny it like my homosexual Republican friend, but itā€™s true. And if it werenā€™t the ACCā€™s ass, itā€™d be something elseā€¦ like say, bare with me, if we were suddenly transplanted in Birminghamā€¦ Well then our ****ed-up, class-struggling fan base would likely be all self-conscious about living in the shadow of the SECā€¦ and every other thread would have mention/comparison involving the Crimson Tide, and it would be stupid.

I hear remnants all the time, here, at NNN. Crap like "we canā€™t even beat MONMOUTH!!!"
Boo Hooooo -like itā€™s the end of the ****ing world. MONMOUTH! As if your neighbor bought a nicer car. MONMOUTH! ā€¦as if your daughter is dating a negro. Holy ****ing MONMOUTH!!!

Reminds me of Matt whatā€™s his face, our aweful play-by-play asshole. Against GT, his tone, it was so remarkable, so genuinely reverent when he said something like, ā€œlook at Charlotteā€¦ Hanginā€™ with the ā€˜big boysā€™ of the ACC.ā€ OOOooooooooooo, look at us ā€œhang with the big boys.ā€ ----- What a ****ing weirdo asshole! ------ Hey Matt whatā€™s your ****ing faceā€¦ Pleaseā€¦ why donā€™t you just go ahead and climb that OTHER corporate ladder youā€™ve had your eyes on, you know, the better one, you ****ing tool.

There are good and bad losses, good and bad having nothing to do with, say, RPI (something relatively valid). Iā€™m not calling todayā€™s game a good loss or a respectable loss or anything else. It sucked bad. But Jesus, basketball is five guys versus five guys. Thatā€™s it. Iā€™d like to think anyone can beat anyoneā€¦ in spite of the very real advantages the haves have over the have nots.


Clue: think of all the weirdo Crapel-Hole fans whose ridiculous snobbery have pissed you off, and thenā€¦ and thenā€¦ hereā€™s a radical ideaā€¦ CHANGE! CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU DONā€™T WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!!! Or move along.
(Again, Iā€™m not talking at you Hootie.)

(What the hell is a Wal-Mart fan anyway? Iā€™ve held off asking for about 3 years nowā€¦ Anyone care to explain?)

(What the hell is a Wal-Mart fan anyway? Iā€™ve held off asking for about 3 years nowā€¦ Anyone care to explain?)


Wal Mart Chapel Hill fans are fans that are fans only because they find the apparel at Wal-Mart. It alludes to the fact that most of the fans donā€™t have the mental aptitude to be accepted to UNC-CH and have no ties but still pull for the team b/c of its success and cheap apparel.

As to the rest of your post. I agree. we have no room to put up our nose against anyone, especially with this team who is trying to find itself.

[QUOTE=run49er;270221]Addendum to #9 ā€“ versus Kentucky at Rupp Arena during Mullins era[/QUOTE]

Thereā€™s one Iā€™d like to have on tape. I saw Dinkins on some Kentucky sight, on the he-put-the-most-hurting-on-us top 50 of all time list.

[QUOTE=anipalcraig;270230]ā€œteams like Monmouthā€ -?

I can relate to the pain of being a Niner fan. Who here canā€™t? But for me itā€™s how we lostā€¦ not who we lost to. At least it is now.

I ****ing hate snobs, and Iā€™m not calling you a snob, but, ALL the effing time I hear statements like your number 5 from our fans, who of coarse unconsciously have their heads up the ACCā€™s ass.

They do. They deny it like my homosexual Republican friend, but itā€™s true. And if it werenā€™t the ACCā€™s ass, itā€™d be something elseā€¦ like say, bare with me, if we were suddenly transplanted in Birminghamā€¦ Well then our ****ed-up, class-struggling fan base would likely be all self-conscious about living in the shadow of the SECā€¦ and every other thread would have mention/comparison involving the Crimson Tide, and it would be stupid.

I hear remnants all the time, here, at NNN. Crap like "we canā€™t even beat MONMOUTH!!!"
Boo Hooooo -like itā€™s the end of the ****ing world. MONMOUTH! As if your neighbor bought a nicer car. MONMOUTH! ā€¦as if your daughter is dating a negro. Holy ****ing MONMOUTH!!!

genuinely reverent when he said something like, ā€œlook at Charlotteā€¦ Hanginā€™ with the ā€˜big boysā€™ of the ACC.ā€ OOOooooooooooo, look at us ā€œhang with the big boys.ā€ ----- What a ****ing weirdo asshole! ------ Hey Matt whatā€™s your ****ing faceā€¦ Pleaseā€¦ why donā€™t you just go ahead and climb that OTHER corporate ladder youā€™ve had your eyes on, you know, the better one, you ****ing tool.

There are good and bad losses, good and bad having nothing to do with, say, RPI (something relatively valid). Iā€™m not calling todayā€™s game a good loss or a respectable loss or anything else. It sucked bad. But Jesus, basketball is five guys versus five guys. Thatā€™s it. Iā€™d like to think anyone can beat anyoneā€¦ in spite of the very real advantages the haves have over the have nots.


Clue: think of all the weirdo Crapel-Hole fans whose ridiculous snobbery have pissed you off, and thenā€¦ and thenā€¦ hereā€™s a radical ideaā€¦ CHANGE! CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU DONā€™T WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!!! Or move along.
(Again, Iā€™m not talking at you Hootie.)

(What the hell is a Wal-Mart fan anyway? Iā€™ve held off asking for about 3 years nowā€¦ Anyone care to explain?)[/QUOTE]

are you upset about something?

[QUOTE=hootie;270205]1- no TV
2- ā€œliveā€ internet feeds donā€™t work
3- no radio that anyone outside of downtown Charlotte can hear
4- the local paper acts like we are a laughingstock (hard to argue right now)
5- routinely and I mean routinely have loses to teams like Monmouth

Feel free to expand the list[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly, I was going to type a post similar to this but my arm is still tired from holding my portable AM radio by the bathroom window upstairs. Oh, and I happen to live in Highland Creek, less than 10 miles from campus. Not only does that suck, but it is downright embarrassing.

"teams like Monmouth" -?

I can relate to the pain of being a Niner fan. Who here canā€™t? But for me itā€™s how we lostā€¦ not who we lost to. At least it is now.

I ****ing hate snobs, and Iā€™m not calling you a snob, but, ALL the effing time I hear statements like your number 5 from our fans, who of coarse unconsciously have their heads up the ACCā€™s ass.

They do. They deny it like my homosexual Republican friend, but itā€™s true. And if it werenā€™t the ACCā€™s ass, itā€™d be something elseā€¦ like say, bare with me, if we were suddenly transplanted in Birminghamā€¦ Well then our ****ed-up, class-struggling fan base would likely be all self-conscious about living in the shadow of the SECā€¦ and every other thread would have mention/comparison involving the Crimson Tide, and it would be stupid.

I hear remnants all the time, here, at NNN. Crap like ā€œwe canā€™t even beat MONMOUTH!!!ā€
Boo Hooooo -like itā€™s the end of the ****ing world. MONMOUTH! As if your neighbor bought a nicer car. MONMOUTH! ā€¦as if your daughter is dating a negro. Holy ****ing MONMOUTH!!!

Reminds me of Matt whatā€™s his face, our aweful play-by-play asshole. Against GT, his tone, it was so remarkable, so genuinely reverent when he said something like, ā€œlook at Charlotteā€¦ Hanginā€™ with the ā€˜big boysā€™ of the ACC.ā€ OOOooooooooooo, look at us ā€œhang with the big boys.ā€ ----- What a ****ing weirdo asshole! ------ Hey Matt whatā€™s your ****ing faceā€¦ Pleaseā€¦ why donā€™t you just go ahead and climb that OTHER corporate ladder youā€™ve had your eyes on, you know, the better one, you ****ing tool.

There are good and bad losses, good and bad having nothing to do with, say, RPI (something relatively valid). Iā€™m not calling todayā€™s game a good loss or a respectable loss or anything else. It sucked bad. But Jesus, basketball is five guys versus five guys. Thatā€™s it. Iā€™d like to think anyone can beat anyoneā€¦ in spite of the very real advantages the haves have over the have nots.


Clue: think of all the weirdo Crapel-Hole fans whose ridiculous snobbery have pissed you off, and thenā€¦ and thenā€¦ hereā€™s a radical ideaā€¦ CHANGE! CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU DONā€™T WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!!! Or move along.
(Again, Iā€™m not talking at you Hootie.)

(What the hell is a Wal-Mart fan anyway? Iā€™ve held off asking for about 3 years nowā€¦ Anyone care to explain?)

Excellent rant. People arenā€™t mad we lost today, really; Iā€™m mad weā€™re jacking up threes like morons. Iā€™m mad we canā€™t beat a team with FAR LESS RESOURCES than us. Iā€™m mad Lutz canā€™t coach the inside game to save his life. Iā€™m mad we put a 6ā€™8 100 pound scrub in the game that has 0% from the field, while shooting over 10 shots this year, when our best players needed to be in the game. Iā€™m mad Lutz doesnā€™t comprehend how to handle the clock in pressure situations (hint: dont jack up a 3). Weā€™re bad, currently. Whether we turn it around or not, we are really bad at the moment. I donā€™t care what our record is.

Iā€™ll admit people on here have ACC inferiority, but whatever. Walmart fans are fans that became Tar heel fans because they bought a $5 shirt at walmart; they have no ties to the university and dont know anything about the team.

You know whatā€™s frustrating? Our fans showed up this year. They showed up before we started winning. Halton was packed. How does Lutz respond? He lays a coaching egg. Monmouth didnā€™t have experienced players either. Lutz was outcoached.

[QUOTE=anipalcraig;270230]ā€œteams like Monmouthā€ -?

I can relate to the pain of being a Niner fan. Who here canā€™t? But for me itā€™s how we lostā€¦ not who we lost to. At least it is now.

I ****ing hate snobs, and Iā€™m not calling you a snob, but, ALL the effing time I hear statements like your number 5 from our fans, who of coarse unconsciously have their heads up the ACCā€™s ass.

They do. They deny it like my homosexual Republican friend, but itā€™s true. And if it werenā€™t the ACCā€™s ass, itā€™d be something elseā€¦ like say, bare with me, if we were suddenly transplanted in Birminghamā€¦ Well then our ****ed-up, class-struggling fan base would likely be all self-conscious about living in the shadow of the SECā€¦ and every other thread would have mention/comparison involving the Crimson Tide, and it would be stupid.

I hear remnants all the time, here, at NNN. Crap like "we canā€™t even beat MONMOUTH!!!"
Boo Hooooo -like itā€™s the end of the ****ing world. MONMOUTH! As if your neighbor bought a nicer car. MONMOUTH! ā€¦as if your daughter is dating a negro. Holy ****ing MONMOUTH!!!

Reminds me of Matt whatā€™s his face, our aweful play-by-play asshole. Against GT, his tone, it was so remarkable, so genuinely reverent when he said something like, ā€œlook at Charlotteā€¦ Hanginā€™ with the ā€˜big boysā€™ of the ACC.ā€ OOOooooooooooo, look at us ā€œhang with the big boys.ā€ ----- What a ****ing weirdo asshole! ------ Hey Matt whatā€™s your ****ing faceā€¦ Pleaseā€¦ why donā€™t you just go ahead and climb that OTHER corporate ladder youā€™ve had your eyes on, you know, the better one, you ****ing tool.

There are good and bad losses, good and bad having nothing to do with, say, RPI (something relatively valid). Iā€™m not calling todayā€™s game a good loss or a respectable loss or anything else. It sucked bad. But Jesus, basketball is five guys versus five guys. Thatā€™s it. Iā€™d like to think anyone can beat anyoneā€¦ in spite of the very real advantages the haves have over the have nots.


Clue: think of all the weirdo Crapel-Hole fans whose ridiculous snobbery have pissed you off, and thenā€¦ and thenā€¦ hereā€™s a radical ideaā€¦ CHANGE! CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU DONā€™T WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!!! Or move along.
(Again, Iā€™m not talking at you Hootie.)

(What the hell is a Wal-Mart fan anyway? Iā€™ve held off asking for about 3 years nowā€¦ Anyone care to explain?)[/QUOTE]


Wal Mart Chapel Hill fans are fans that are fans only because they find the apparel at Wal-Mart. It alludes to the fact that most of the fans donā€™t have the mental aptitude to be accepted to UNC-CH and have no ties but still pull for the team b/c of its success and cheap apparel.

As to the rest of your post. I agree. we have no room to put up our nose against anyone, especially with this team who is trying to find itself.[/QUOTE]

Oh, okay. Yeah, seriously.

I didnā€™t see it. Referring to those folks as ā€œfansā€ mayā€™ve thrown me offā€¦ That and the fact that most people similaryly mindlessly subscribe to some kind of label/ideal/necessary illusion thatā€™s fed to them. And I didnā€™t care for the Wal-Mart reference because, to me, it sounds snobby sometimes. I donā€™t like Wal-Mart, but at least real people shop there, you know?

Oh, and I think Wal-mart shoppers are capable of getting into UNC-CH. thank you.

I wish Charlotte had Wal Mart fansā€¦ :unhappy:

"teams like Monmouth" -?

I can relate to the pain of being a Niner fan. Who here canā€™t? But for me itā€™s how we lostā€¦ not who we lost to. At least it is now.

I ****ing hate snobs, and Iā€™m not calling you a snob, but, ALL the effing time I hear statements like your number 5 from our fans, who of coarse unconsciously have their heads up the ACCā€™s ass.

They do. They deny it like my homosexual Republican friend, but itā€™s true. And if it werenā€™t the ACCā€™s ass, itā€™d be something elseā€¦ like say, bare with me, if we were suddenly transplanted in Birminghamā€¦ Well then our ****ed-up, class-struggling fan base would likely be all self-conscious about living in the shadow of the SECā€¦ and every other thread would have mention/comparison involving the Crimson Tide, and it would be stupid.

I hear remnants all the time, here, at NNN. Crap like ā€œwe canā€™t even beat MONMOUTH!!!ā€
Boo Hooooo -like itā€™s the end of the ****ing world. MONMOUTH! As if your neighbor bought a nicer car. MONMOUTH! ā€¦as if your daughter is dating a negro. Holy ****ing MONMOUTH!!!

Reminds me of Matt whatā€™s his face, our aweful play-by-play asshole. Against GT, his tone, it was so remarkable, so genuinely reverent when he said something like, ā€œlook at Charlotteā€¦ Hanginā€™ with the ā€˜big boysā€™ of the ACC.ā€ OOOooooooooooo, look at us ā€œhang with the big boys.ā€ ----- What a ****ing weirdo asshole! ------ Hey Matt whatā€™s your ****ing faceā€¦ Pleaseā€¦ why donā€™t you just go ahead and climb that OTHER corporate ladder youā€™ve had your eyes on, you know, the better one, you ****ing tool.

There are good and bad losses, good and bad having nothing to do with, say, RPI (something relatively valid). Iā€™m not calling todayā€™s game a good loss or a respectable loss or anything else. It sucked bad. But Jesus, basketball is five guys versus five guys. Thatā€™s it. Iā€™d like to think anyone can beat anyoneā€¦ in spite of the very real advantages the haves have over the have nots.


Clue: think of all the weirdo Crapel-Hole fans whose ridiculous snobbery have pissed you off, and thenā€¦ and thenā€¦ hereā€™s a radical ideaā€¦ CHANGE! CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU DONā€™T WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!!! Or move along.
(Again, Iā€™m not talking at you Hootie.)

(What the hell is a Wal-Mart fan anyway? Iā€™ve held off asking for about 3 years nowā€¦ Anyone care to explain?)

Funniest post of the year. :lmao::lmao:

[QUOTE=anipalcraig;270230]ā€œteams like Monmouthā€ -?

I can relate to the pain of being a Niner fan. Who here canā€™t? But for me itā€™s how we lostā€¦ not who we lost to. At least it is now.

I ****ing hate snobs, and Iā€™m not calling you a snob, but, ALL the effing time I hear statements like your number 5 from our fans, who of coarse unconsciously have their heads up the ACCā€™s ass.

They do. They deny it like my homosexual Republican friend, but itā€™s true. And if it werenā€™t the ACCā€™s ass, itā€™d be something elseā€¦ like say, bare with me, if we were suddenly transplanted in Birminghamā€¦ Well then our ****ed-up, class-struggling fan base would likely be all self-conscious about living in the shadow of the SECā€¦ and every other thread would have mention/comparison involving the Crimson Tide, and it would be stupid.

I hear remnants all the time, here, at NNN. Crap like "we canā€™t even beat MONMOUTH!!!"
Boo Hooooo -like itā€™s the end of the ****ing world. MONMOUTH! As if your neighbor bought a nicer car. MONMOUTH! ā€¦as if your daughter is dating a negro. Holy ****ing MONMOUTH!!!

Reminds me of Matt whatā€™s his face, our aweful play-by-play asshole. Against GT, his tone, it was so remarkable, so genuinely reverent when he said something like, ā€œlook at Charlotteā€¦ Hanginā€™ with the ā€˜big boysā€™ of the ACC.ā€ OOOooooooooooo, look at us ā€œhang with the big boys.ā€ ----- What a ****ing weirdo asshole! ------ Hey Matt whatā€™s your ****ing faceā€¦ Pleaseā€¦ why donā€™t you just go ahead and climb that OTHER corporate ladder youā€™ve had your eyes on, you know, the better one, you ****ing tool.

There are good and bad losses, good and bad having nothing to do with, say, RPI (something relatively valid). Iā€™m not calling todayā€™s game a good loss or a respectable loss or anything else. It sucked bad. But Jesus, basketball is five guys versus five guys. Thatā€™s it. Iā€™d like to think anyone can beat anyoneā€¦ in spite of the very real advantages the haves have over the have nots.


Clue: think of all the weirdo Crapel-Hole fans whose ridiculous snobbery have pissed you off, and thenā€¦ and thenā€¦ hereā€™s a radical ideaā€¦ CHANGE! CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU DONā€™T WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!!! Or move along.
(Again, Iā€™m not talking at you Hootie.)

(What the hell is a Wal-Mart fan anyway? Iā€™ve held off asking for about 3 years nowā€¦ Anyone care to explain?)[/QUOTE]

Classic post!!

  1. Holding on tight to our trademark ( the 3 and under 75% at the line most nights)

11.When people kept referring us as UNCC instead of CHARLOTTE