Job postings in the AD

The Executive Associate AD/Senior Woman Administrator job was Kim Whitestone’s. I wonder if she is taking on new responsibilities.

That was my thought as well. Guess we’ll find out soon enough. She has served 28 years, so assuming retirement is an option.

There will be a new upper position within the sports medicine realm over the next several weeks

clt says Judy could fill either role

Any chance it is nutrition oriented?

Negative. Sports Medicine i.e. Athletic Training

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I think many of us know one person who would be perfect for major gifts

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Who dat?

This is a “If you know, you know” kinda thing

Director of Major Gifts gift has been removed from the site, guessing they have filled the role.

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Welcome Ragean!

It looks like Hill pulling the trigger on making the softball change before filling this position gives Ragean Hill some cover by not making that her first official task. Good management.


Would new hires not fall under MH job?

He is the boss, for sure. However, when he started with us he pulled the trigger on letting Houston Fancher and staff go and picked Sanchez before he officially started the job, even though Judy was still onboard. Since he was going to have to own the program he got to make the call, and he delivered the news to them. Dubois actually signs the contracts. MH could have done the same with Softball I suppose, but he obviously owned that decision. I guess I don’t see him delegating the hiring and firing to anyone else, so you are probably right.

Pretty sure Rose made the hires for women’s sports, not Whitestone. So I guess the same would apply to the new softball coach hire.

Niners AD partnering with D1.ticker: