Judy talks about her "Fantasy"...........comment!!!

are there political bridges that football would burn?

Yes, but they are all fantasy.

[QUOTE=TheShowDawg;195593]“Unfortunately, we have been burned in the past by well-intentioned supporters and thus I am more reluctant than some when it comes to these efforts.”

“I told them of a “pledge” we received about four years ago for one million dollars. This was money that was to be used for our new practice facility, and helped push us over the top to where we could actually make that facility a reality. Unfortunately, to date, we have never seen the first penny of that money.”

Jimmy, unfortunately I believe this pledge was made from within our industry.[/QUOTE]

Ouch…That is a shame, I would imagine that pledge would have gotten his company naming rights. Guess it’s a lot easier to say “Yeah, I’ll give a million dollars” then actually write the check or roll the pennies whatever the case might be…

I would like you to know that I, in no way, was trying to belittle your efforts or those of anyone that has a genuine interest in bringing football to UNC Charlotte. The term "fantasy dollars" was meant only to distinguish that pledges, until money is the bank, are just that -- pledges.
I don't buy it.

In context or out of context, the term “fantasy dollars” just seems like too horrible a choice of words for someone in a public position like AD of a major university to make on accident. I promise you I am not trying to be insulting, but I think Judy has to be smarter than that. In the great vastness of the English language, you expect me to believe that Judy just couldn’t think of a better word to modify dollars than fantasy??

Future, prospective, pledged, promised. Theres four right off the top of my head that are much less belittling and more accurate. Even the phrase itself, “fantasy dollars,” seems so bad and misleading I don’t think someone could have thought of it without actually thinking about it.

What is wrong with calling them pledges? How could that be viewed as misleading? Sure pledges don’t always come in, but have we recieved any pledges over even $20,000? That is certainly not chump change, but is also not nearly as substantial an amount as $1 million.

I still think this choice of words was meant to try and send away some of our prospective supports and make our efforts look pointless. Remember guys, she is a politician. Honesty is not always that much of a priority with these people but creative speaking is always a must.

I don't buy it.

In context or out of context, the term “fantasy dollars” just seems like too horrible a choice of words for someone in a public position like AD of a major university to make on accident. I promise you I am not trying to be insulting, but I think Judy has to be smarter than that. In the great vastness of the English language, you expect me to believe that Judy just couldn’t think of a better word to modify dollars than fantasy??

I still think this choice of words was meant to try and send away some of our prospective supports and make our efforts look pointless. Remember guys, she is a politician. Honesty is not always that much of a priority with these people but creative speaking is always a must.

To the public:

To the supporters:

I don’t buy it either, 49orbust.

She’s speaking out of both sides of her mouth for a reason. She doesn’t want football to happen, but she MOST CERTAINLY DOES NOT want to be seen as the reason. That’s a smart politician, for ya.

In context or out of context, the term "fantasy dollars" just seems like too horrible a choice of words for someone in a public position like AD of a major university to make on accident.

I think you guys are giving her position to much credit. Just because she is the AD doesnt mean she can have a poor choice of words or misspeak…I mean…have you ever heard our president talk?

I think you guys are giving her position to much credit. Just because she is the AD doesnt mean she can have a poor choice of words or misspeak.......I mean....have you ever heard our president talk?
Apples and Oranges. Bush is an elected official and Judy is hired. Judy has to be good at schmoozing and all that poltical BS or she could lose her job. Bush getting fired, especially with a Republican congress, is highly unlikely and very hard to get done. How else do you explain him still being president?:wink:

As a side note: Is this guy supposed to be weaking cause he isnt for me>>>>>:wink:
He just seems to smirk a little.

I feel Judy used poor judgement when using the term “fantasy dollars” but I do not buy into the belief that she is the main person to blame because we do not have football.

That decision has to be made by people way over her head. I found it interesting that she used the term “political” or “politics”.

The political arguement by Judy is BS…
I find it hard to believe that tne NC General Assembly would be pissed off & screw us out of even more $ (as we’re currently 15th or 16th out of 16 in funding.)
I’ve never heard of anyone in the NC General Assembly punishing NC State, UNC, ECU, NCA&T, ECSU, NC Central, WCU, App, UNCP, or WSSU for having football. Or UNCW or UNCG for thinking about it.

cough cough bullshit. People we call that a red herring.

She knows she ment to hurt us with the Fantasy term, or it would of never been used. Pledges would of been used.

[QUOTE=49or bust;195599]
Remember guys, she is a politician. Honesty is not always that much of a priority with these people but creative speaking is always a must.[/QUOTE]

Uh…what office did she run for? I understand that she has to be “politically” correct at times, but you make it sound like she is a ten term congressman with the “these people” comment. I don’t follow this whole uproar. It may be possible that in her venacular, fantasy is equal to all of these other “suggested” better terms. A lot easier to come up with substitute phrases when you get to sit down at a computer and have hours and a thesaurus handy vs. a microphone shoved in your face with the light on.

Uh...what office did she run for? I understand that she has to be "politically" correct at times, but you make it sound like she is a ten term congressman with the "these people" comment. I don't follow this whole uproar. It may be possible that in her venacular, fantasy is equal to all of these other "suggested" better terms. A lot easier to come up with substitute phrases when you get to sit down at a computer and have hours and a thesaurus handy vs. a microphone shoved in your face with the light on.

[COLOR=black][SIZE=1]While I agree with you mostly, the day she did the interview was not the day she learned about the website, she or someone close to her follows this board probably close to daily.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][SIZE=1]In her mind she has known what she thinks about the actions of making the website. It wasn’t like the thought of Fantasy just popped out at that time. It’s probably the word she has thought of us for a while. Using the term “pledges” over “fantasy dollars” would be the more reasonable use of words.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Its less words, it has less syllables, its a term we used on here constantly. In addition there are probably some who sign up and don’t pledge a dime. How would that then be “fantasy dollars”, it’s just a simple pledge of support.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][SIZE=1]We get pledges of support, pledges of initial contributions, pledges of yearly contributions, and pledges of season tickets. We don’t sell acid and then ask someone what their fantasy amount of dollars would give while they are high.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Poor choice of words, yes.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Intentional, more than likely.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][SIZE=1]To this extent, doubtful.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Uh...what office did she run for? I understand that she has to be "politically" correct at times, but you make it sound like she is a ten term congressman with the "these people" comment.
No, thats just your perception. Politicians practice political tactics, which is what she has to do and what makes her a politician. Politicians don't always run for elected office.
I don't follow this whole uproar. It may be possible that in her venacular, fantasy is equal to all of these other "suggested" better terms.
Thats why I said I thought she wasn't that dumb. I'm sorry, but if you think 'fantasy dollars' and 'pledges' are equivalent terms, you are a moron.
A lot easier to come up with substitute phrases when you get to sit down at a computer and have hours and a thesaurus handy vs. a microphone shoved in your face with the light on.
I wonder why I said "right off the top of my head" then...

[QUOTE=stonecoldken;195625]The political arguement by Judy is BS…
I find it hard to believe that tne NC General Assembly would be pissed off & screw us out of even more $ (as we’re currently 15th or 16th out of 16 in funding.)
I’ve never heard of anyone in the NC General Assembly punishing NC State, UNC, ECU, NCA&T, ECSU, NC Central, WCU, App, UNCP, or WSSU for having football. Or UNCW or UNCG for thinking about it.[/QUOTE]

That’s not the argument. The GA wouldn’t be “pissed” at the effort, but here’s how I think the conversation would go…sort of a “fantasy” conversation:

Erskine Bowles: So Phil, we’ve got to get you out of that 15th spot in university funding. A school like UNC Charlotte is too important to be treated like a 2nd class citizen.

Dr. Dubois: You’re right Erskine. Our school is growing by leaps and bounds and busting at the seams. Our masters and doctoral programs are bringing us recognition, and yet the state doesn’t treat us like we’re serious. We should be getting funding similar to other leading universities in the system.

Erskine: So what are your priorities for UNC Charlotte this year Phil? You know, the things that you need to get help for in Raleigh…

Dr. Dubois: Well, I was thinking a football team should be first and foremost. I know we don’t have enough research labs and salary dollars to attract the top professors in the country as a result of being pushed to the back of the funding train for so long in this state – so I think the one thing I really need your help on is football. The other academic funding shortfalls can wait until we get this priority item out of the way.

Erskine: Uh…So you are lacking classroom and lab space, falling behind in the arms race on professor salaries, but your top priority is football…

Dr. Dubois: Sure is. When I was in Wyoming, we had the only division I football program in the state and drew upwards of 18,000 people to our games. The banks and other corporations in town just recently told me that they would rather us have a football team than produce more qualified job applicants, so I am just following their lead.

Erskine: Ok Phil. I’ll let you know what the legislature says about improving UNC Charlotte’s funding issues…

OK – now take your shots at this. Most of this is obviously tongue in cheek, but the point is, IF Dr. Phil is working the back channels in Raleigh to move UNC Charlotte up in funding (which we DESERVE!!!), isn’t it remotely reasonable that him making a priority of football could hurt his “pull” among those in Raleigh genuinely concerned with the future “academic” health of UNC Charlotte? I would venture to say that panhandling for extra dollars in the halls of the legislature would be damaged IF he decided to add something that “statistically” loses major money at virtually every non-BCS school in the country? I don’t care what the websites say about UAB or Wyoming or whoever else that is breaking even or making a little money. Lefty has identified how UAB “shows a profit”.

As an example of where we are short funded – the financial aid office at Charlotte has less personnel than NC Central, Appalachian, etc…schools half our size. Of course it makes sense, since UNC Charlotte gets less financial aid funding from the state than those schools either.

[QUOTE=49or bust;195672]No, thats just your perception. Politicians practice political tactics, which is what she has to do and what makes her a politician. Politicians don’t always run for elected office.

Thats why I said I thought she wasn’t that dumb. I’m sorry, but if you think ‘fantasy dollars’ and ‘pledges’ are equivalent terms, you are a moron.

I wonder why I said “right off the top of my head” then…[/QUOTE]

I have no idea why you resorted to calling me a moron…So after this, I’ll make sure not to disappoint you with any future responses to your posts.

As far as the “right off the top of my head” comment – that isn’t true. You had ample time to process what she said and make a response. I don’t doubt you came up with those rather quickly, but the fact remains, you weren’t in front of a TV camera and you took more time typing your response than she had making her soundbite.

After some research on the web…

The highest per student athletic fee is $577 at UNC Asheville. UNC Charlotte’s is $425, which falls somewhere in the middle I believe. Some have suggested a $250 increase per semester, which would bring UNC Charlotte’s to $925. That would make it the highest in the system by 60%

Am I the only one who thinks this just MIGHT see some opposition on campus and/or with the Board of Governors (which approve the fees)? It would also be in direct conflict with the state mandated 6.5% annual increase cap.

Forgive what seems like the wet blanket on this issue, but this is the real world that the university operates in.

Provide deez

having a football program would bring in better students. A lot of good students pass over our school due to the lack of football. As a senior in high school i really knew very little about UNC Charlotte except that bobby lutz coached there and that he had a decent basketball team. I didn’t want to go to State and i had a serious high school girlfriend so i didnt want to go to far away.

We didn’t start this school 5 years ago. We are 60 years old. A football team didn’t put us at 15 on the list, of 16.

as far as NC System funding for athletics, i think that most of us just think “they’re doing it, why can’t we”

As for the UAB stuff i would really love for Lefty to provide a link to that information. He has posted it 3 times, but still no link. Until then I will think that he is planting that information for someone.

After some research on the web...

The highest per student athletic fee is $577 at UNC Asheville. UNC Charlotte’s is $425, which falls somewhere in the middle I believe. Some have suggested a $250 increase per semester, which would bring UNC Charlotte’s to $925. That would make it the highest in the system by 60%

Am I the only one who thinks this just MIGHT see some opposition on campus and/or with the Board of Governors (which approve the fees)? It would also be in direct conflict with the state mandated 6.5% annual increase cap.

Forgive what seems like the wet blanket on this issue, but this is the real world that the university operates in.

I think 250 a year would be ample, funny how UNCA and UNCC have high student fee’s and neither have football. Please give me a link to this info.

The 6.5% doesn’t pertain to UNC Charlotte ← You just got provided.

Yeah, this is so freaking difficult Provider. I guess USF doesn’t live in the real world. Oh yeah, they live in the Big East. UNC Pembroke and Old Dominion are also living in the fantasy world. If this is the case, let’s go live in fantasy land and get a football team.

[QUOTE=The Provider;195689]After some research on the web…

The highest per student athletic fee is $577 at UNC Asheville. UNC Charlotte’s is $425, which falls somewhere in the middle I believe. Some have suggested a $250 increase per semester, which would bring UNC Charlotte’s to $925. That would make it the highest in the system by 60%

Am I the only one who thinks this just MIGHT see some opposition on campus and/or with the Board of Governors (which approve the fees)? It would also be in direct conflict with the state mandated 6.5% annual increase cap.

Forgive what seems like the wet blanket on this issue, but this is the real world that the university operates in.[/QUOTE]

Make that a moronic wet blanket… Just kidding, you bring up many excellent points all of which need to taken into consideration.

No one has suggested $250 a semester. I am told by people in the Athletic Dept. That $250 a year increase would fund football and Title 9. So that would put us at $675 and at the 1-AA level a $200 a year increase would probably be sufficent. ODU raised their fees $300 for football.