Lake Norman wing of 49er marketing kickinto gear.

[size=10pt][font=Arial] Dear Mr. Joyner, I apologize if my tone was offensive. It was not meant to be but as I mentioned this is a very sensitive issue to our athletic department and alumni. I certainly was not singling out JCSU as this has been an ongoing, but thankfully less frequent, issue with some other institutions. Thank you for your understanding and attention to the matter. Good luck to the Golden Bulls in all of their athletic endeavors (unless of course they are playing the Niners) Thanks again, Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/font][/size]
[/color][size=2][font=arial][/size][size=10pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size]

[size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt]From:[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt] Joyner, Stephen []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:53 PM
To: 'Josh’
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.; Belfield, Sherri D.
Subject: RE: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size][size=2][/font][/size] [size=3][font=times new roman] [/font][/size]
[size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Dear Josh,[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Your tone is not needed and your conclusions are incorrect. We will move immediately to make the correction and thank you for bring this to my attention.[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Stephen Joyner, Sr.[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Athletic Director[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size][color=navy]

[size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt]From:[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt] Josh []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:09 PM
To: Joyner, Stephen
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.
Subject: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size][size=2][/font][/size] [size=3][font=times new roman] [/font][/size]
[size=2][font=arial][/size][size=10pt] Dear Mr. Joyner, as an alum of UNC Charlotte (93) I was disturbed after reviewing your institutions football web sight to see that you were using the incorrect name for our football team. For approximately 13 years now ALL UNC Charlotte athletic teams are referred to as simply Charlotte. Being an athletic director as well as a basketball coach I am sure that you are aware of this. If not simply read the charlotte observer sports section or refer to some of your past NCAA basketball brackets or almost all national media outlets or our website/media guide or simply contact our athletics director Judy Rose. Of this mistake I can only draw two conclusions, ignorance or some type of back handed slight. Neither is becoming of an intuition such as JCSU. Our athletic department as well as our alumni are very sensitive to this issue. I will be recommending that we not play school that cannot get our athletic name correct. Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/size][size=2][/font][/size]

It’s not the rest of the world’s fault that the rest of the world doesn’t know who we are.

Thanks for bringing it to their attention, but if you’re going to reach out on behalf of the University and its alumni, please consider your tone.

I don’t think I would’ve shared this with anyone.



Is this one of those times where nnn readers say, “I remember that one post that guy made. could we have known he could do such a thing? Was there anything any of us could have done to help him?”

That said, I’m a fan man! Donkeyjaws and zombielew are the ones hating on you. Remember them. ::slight_smile:

Maybe if our AD paid attention to things like this our fans wouldn’t have to. Better yet if our Chancellor saw the importance of changing our name this wouldn’t be an issue.

[quote=“lake49er, post:1, topic:28890”][size=10pt][font=arial] Dear Mr. Joyner, I apologize if my tone was offensive. It was not meant to be but as I mentioned this is a very sensitive issue to our athletic department and alumni. I certainly was not singling out JCSU as this has been an ongoing, but thankfully less frequent, issue with some other institutions. Thank you for your understanding and attention to the matter. Good luck to the Golden Bulls in all of their athletic endeavors (unless of course they are playing the Niners) Thanks again, Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/font][/size]

[size=10pt]From:[/size][size=10pt] Joyner, Stephen []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:53 PM
To: 'Josh’
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.; Belfield, Sherri D.
Subject: RE: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size]
[size=11pt]Dear Josh,[/size][size=11pt]Your tone is not needed and your conclusions are incorrect. We will move immediately to make the correction and thank you for bring this to my attention.[/size][size=11pt]Stephen Joyner, Sr.[/size][size=11pt]Athletic Director[/size]

[size=10pt]From:[/size][size=10pt] Josh []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:09 PM
To: Joyner, Stephen
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.
Subject: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size]
[size=10pt] Dear Mr. Joyner, as an alum of UNC Charlotte (93) I was disturbed after reviewing your institutions football web sight to see that you were using the incorrect name for our football team. For approximately 13 years now ALL UNC Charlotte athletic teams are referred to as simply Charlotte. Being an athletic director as well as a basketball coach I am sure that you are aware of this. If not simply read the charlotte observer sports section or refer to some of your past NCAA basketball brackets or almost all national media outlets or our website/media guide or simply contact our athletics director Judy Rose. Of this mistake I can only draw two conclusions, ignorance or some type of back handed slight. Neither is becoming of an intuition such as JCSU. Our athletic department as well as our alumni are very sensitive to this issue. I will be recommending that we not play school that cannot get our athletic name correct. Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/size][/quote]

we all make mistakes. 100 years from now, no one will remember.

[quote=“earlyniner, post:8, topic:28890”][quote=“lake49er, post:1, topic:28890”][size=10pt][font=arial] Dear Mr. Joyner, I apologize if my tone was offensive. It was not meant to be but as I mentioned this is a very sensitive issue to our athletic department and alumni. I certainly was not singling out JCSU as this has been an ongoing, but thankfully less frequent, issue with some other institutions. Thank you for your understanding and attention to the matter. Good luck to the Golden Bulls in all of their athletic endeavors (unless of course they are playing the Niners) Thanks again, Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/font][/size]

[size=10pt]From:[/size][size=10pt] Joyner, Stephen []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:53 PM
To: 'Josh’
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.; Belfield, Sherri D.
Subject: RE: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size]
[size=11pt]Dear Josh,[/size][size=11pt]Your tone is not needed and your conclusions are incorrect. We will move immediately to make the correction and thank you for bring this to my attention.[/size][size=11pt]Stephen Joyner, Sr.[/size][size=11pt]Athletic Director[/size]

[size=10pt]From:[/size][size=10pt] Josh []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:09 PM
To: Joyner, Stephen
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.
Subject: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size]
[size=10pt] Dear Mr. Joyner, as an alum of UNC Charlotte (93) I was disturbed after reviewing your institutions football web sight to see that you were using the incorrect name for our football team. For approximately 13 years now ALL UNC Charlotte athletic teams are referred to as simply Charlotte. Being an athletic director as well as a basketball coach I am sure that you are aware of this. If not simply read the charlotte observer sports section or refer to some of your past NCAA basketball brackets or almost all national media outlets or our website/media guide or simply contact our athletics director Judy Rose. Of this mistake I can only draw two conclusions, ignorance or some type of back handed slight. Neither is becoming of an intuition such as JCSU. Our athletic department as well as our alumni are very sensitive to this issue. I will be recommending that we not play school that cannot get our athletic name correct. Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/size][/quote]

we all make mistakes. [/quote]

Not me.

Man, you sounded like a straight asshole

dude, did you proofread this? if you were going to write a letter like this, you should have at least done a spell check for grammatical mistakes. it does not exactly make us look good when an alumni writes a letter like this and forgets commas and fails to pluralize words.

Unless the initiator of this letter is working for our school in some capacity, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be contacting administrations of other schools to inform them of a mistake like this. That should be the responsibility of those working for our administration.

[quote=“lake49er, post:1, topic:28890”][size=10pt][font=Arial] Dear Mr. Joyner, I apologize if my tone was offensive. It was not meant to be but as I mentioned this is a very sensitive issue to our athletic department and alumni. I certainly was not singling out JCSU as this has been an ongoing, but thankfully less frequent, issue with some other institutions. Thank you for your understanding and attention to the matter. Good luck to the Golden Bulls in all of their athletic endeavors (unless of course they are playing the Niners) Thanks again, Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/font][/size]
[/color][size=2][font=arial][/size][size=10pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size]

[size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt]From:[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt] Joyner, Stephen []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:53 PM
To: 'Josh’
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.; Belfield, Sherri D.
Subject: RE: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size][size=2][/font][/size] [size=3][font=times new roman] [/font][/size]
[size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Dear Josh,[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Your tone is not needed and your conclusions are incorrect. We will move immediately to make the correction and thank you for bring this to my attention.[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Stephen Joyner, Sr.[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt]Athletic Director[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=calibri][/size][size=11pt] [/size][size=2][/font][/size][color=navy]

[size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt]From:[/size][size=2][/font][/size][size=2][font=tahoma][/size][size=10pt] Josh []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:09 PM
To: Joyner, Stephen
Cc: Carter, Ronald L.
Subject: Correct name for UNC Charlotte athletics. [/size][size=2][/font][/size] [size=3][font=times new roman] [/font][/size]
[size=2][font=arial][/size][size=10pt] Dear Mr. Joyner, as an alum of UNC Charlotte (93) I was disturbed after reviewing your institutions football web sight to see that you were using the incorrect name for our football team. For approximately 13 years now ALL UNC Charlotte athletic teams are referred to as simply Charlotte. Being an athletic director as well as a basketball coach I am sure that you are aware of this. If not simply read the charlotte observer sports section or refer to some of your past NCAA basketball brackets or almost all national media outlets or our website/media guide or simply contact our athletics director Judy Rose. Of this mistake I can only draw two conclusions, ignorance or some type of back handed slight. Neither is becoming of an intuition such as JCSU. Our athletic department as well as our alumni are very sensitive to this issue. I will be recommending that we not play school that cannot get our athletic name correct. Josh Watts, class of 1993 [/size][size=2][/font][/size][/quote]

If you ever find yourself drinking again, thinking about being an ambassador for the University or my fellow alumni…Just say NO man. Go get another beer and enjoy the afternoon.

Seeing as it is still the Academic name of the school, you really don’t have a leg to stand on when someone calls the Athletic side UNC Charlotte & claim it’s insulting, because then you’re calling our entire academic side insulting.

I almost feel as if we’re being trolled.

Can we delete this embarrassing thread and forget it ever happened?