Lutz on Xavier, the starting lineup and the season so far


New Section 104 podcast up with Lutz answering questions

I was just listening to that when you posted it. Good interview.

Bobby was awesome! I hope we got some questions answered that you wanted to hear!

[QUOTE=J Felt;294342]Bobby was awesome! I hope we got some questions answered that you wanted to hear![/QUOTE]

Yā€™all did a great job JFelt. :thumbsup:

Good stuff, man.

If you wanna hear Bobby apologize aloud, hereā€™s your chance.

Good job guys!

Good stuff, man.

If you wanna hear Bobby apologize aloud, hereā€™s your chance.

ya know what sucks? Lutz had to worry about all the DRAMA this week instead of preparing for the 12th team in the nation.

[QUOTE=metro;294415]ya know what sucks? Lutz had to worry about all the DRAMA this week instead of preparing for the 12th team in the nation.[/QUOTE]

Fo Real.

ya know what sucks? Lutz had to worry about all the DRAMA this week instead of preparing for the 12th team in the nation.

I really donā€™t think he was sweating it too much, if heā€™s had the contract thing on his back, and this past summer issues (USA) I doubt this made him do more than flinch.

[QUOTE=metro;294415]ya know what sucks? Lutz had to worry about all the DRAMA this week instead of preparing for the 12th team in the nation.[/QUOTE]

Well, he did create it.

[QUOTE=CharSFNiners;294428]I really donā€™t think he was sweating it too much, if heā€™s had the contract thing on his back, and this past summer issues (USA) I doubt this made him do more than flinch.[/QUOTE]

Sometimes adversity brings the best out of people.

ya know what sucks? Lutz had to worry about all the DRAMA this week instead of preparing for the 12th team in the nation.


Bobby is a nice and diplomatic guy. I donā€™t think you have to apologize when you call unspecified people idiots. There are idiots out there, especially among sports fans. He is a NC boy, but in bigger markets I think this is not a problem. If people want to call others out publicly they have to accept heat coming back their way.

[QUOTE=hootie;294430]Well, he did create it.[/QUOTE]
No, he responded to it.

I donā€™t think the ā€œdramaā€ will effect how we play tonight.

Youā€™re still gonna see the 3ball

Back on topic, I got a chance to listen to this last night. Really enjoyed it. Thanks to both of you and to Coach Lutz for putting this together. I really liked the relaxed format, though the two of you get so excited you sometimes cut Bobby off.

If you havenā€™t listened to it yet, check it out. Itā€™s a more natural, casual conversation, which you probably wonā€™t hear, even on MSP.

[QUOTE=run49er;294519]No, he responded to it.[/QUOTE]

No, he created it. A booing fan is not drama, in most circles.

Great interview! Good job guys!!!

This game has all the makingā€™s of a watershed for the Niner season-> Win, and the upside is great. Lose, and who knows.

We have to have this-> Good guys win!!!

PS: I love the way Lutz says ā€˜Utterā€™-> You have to be born and raised in the South for that kind of accent!