Lutz: Roles will be re-defined this week

I’ve been out of town. Saw ASU and today’s game and trying to catch up. Only got to hear Bobby’s comments after today’s game.

Says player’s roles will be re-defined this week to get it where it needs to be. Mack needs to get back to spot up threes, one dribble pull-up and post up. Not sure what other changes will be made.

I’m wondering if Coleman has been “demanding” more minutes. He seems to want to be a go-to guy and take big shots. 6 TO’s today I believe. Dewhurst needs another position, it looks like.

Said lack of defensive rebounding and so many turnovers did us in vs Cal State.

Running the same play(s) over and over for Ian killed me. Some really bad decisions by players and coaches about sums it up for me.

He needs to look in the mirror before he starts tinkering

Wil Bobby be included in this re-defining of roles?

We need to redefine our coach.

Maybe we can re-define his contract.

you know what makes me feel a little better?

Michigan Football

Imagine being one of the top 5 storied football programs in NCAA history, and [U]finishing 3-9 this year[/U]. And a gazillion dollar budget to boot wasted.

it helps me keep perspective

If he doesn’t redefine a lot of things his employment status will be redefined to unemployed.

He needs to look in the mirror before he starts tinkering

best post I have read in a long time

By the way Mack posting for threes?

best post I have read in a long time

By the way Mack posting for threes?

Sounds like he wants to get back to Lutzball. RAIN THEM THREES! WOO!!!

Lutz needs to scrap his entire offense and adopt that of another coach’s. I don’t care how long he’s been coaching/what he learned coming up, this offense just doesn’t work unless you have superb talent. It doesn’t teach good habits and players won’t succeed unless we have someone who can just shoot lights out and carry the team paired with a wing or post player who can clean up.

I’d be very surprised if the team that shows up next weekend looks any different than the one that showed up to the 76 Classic. Lutz has shown to be very capable at coaching teams when he has a specific group of players (game-managing PG, SG who can get ridiculously hot from 3, a big man who can step outside of the paint and hit a jumper). He has also shown himself to be incredibly incapable of adjusting his style if his current team doesn’t fit the Lutz mold.

[QUOTE=CMack124;366284]I’d be very surprised if the team that shows up next weekend looks any different than the one that showed up to the 76 Classic. Lutz has shown to be very capable at coaching teams when he has a specific group of players ([B]game-managing PG, SG who can get ridiculously hot from 3, a big man who can step outside of the paint and hit a jumper[/B]). He has also shown himself to be incredibly incapable of adjusting his style if his current team doesn’t fit the Lutz mold.[/QUOTE]

But we’ve got that!

Game managing PG: Harris
SG who can get rediculously hot from 3: Bowden
Big man who can step outside of the paint and hit a jumper: Spears

…oh, wait…

Can we pull Ian’s scholarship?

But we've got that!

Game managing PG: Harris
SG who can get rediculously hot from 3: Bowden
Big man who can step outside of the paint and hit a jumper: Spears

…oh, wait…

Blind faith…if you only knew the ifs of the last 10 years…

its hard to redefine bobbyball. no discipline, no fundamentals…same thing year after year. i predict we will soon mention bobbyball and weissellball in the same conversation.

[QUOTE=pickman;366296]i predict we will soon mention bobbyball and weissellball in the same conversation.[/QUOTE]

Ooops, too late!

you know what makes me feel a little better?

Michigan Football

Imagine being one of the top 5 storied football programs in NCAA history, and finishing 3-9 this year. And a gazillion dollar budget to boot wasted.

it helps me keep perspective

Good post.

you know what makes me feel a little better?

Michigan Football

Imagine being one of the top 5 storied football programs in NCAA history, and finishing 3-9 this year. And a gazillion dollar budget to boot wasted.

it helps me keep perspective

That is a bit different, the players left for Rich Rodriquez don’t fit into his system. I think a scaled down version of Tennessee / Fulmer is closer to what we are going through, except that they made the necessary change and we just committed to 4 more years of the same old thing.

That is a bit different, the players left for Rich Rodriquez don't fit into his system. I think a scaled down version of Tennessee / Fulmer is closer to what we are going through, except that they made the necessary change and we just committed to 4 more years of the same old thing.

That is a good comparison. If I’m not mistaken I thought Fullmer got an extension or raise just last season too, after winning the SEC East division.

Michigan will be back in the top 10 under Rodriguez in 2 years. He’s an excellent coach. If you can recruit and win at West Virginia then you sure as heck can at Michigan. He had zero of his own recruits this year. Just wait.