Lyerly and the "Comeback kids"

Rob Lyerly, who is hitting .243 (granted its short season and he’s only been playing 10 games) just had a 11th inning walk off RBI for the Staten Island Yanks. From font page of Yanks minor league team:


there something creeepy about seeing a niner in pinstrips…

I didn’t realize he was playing for the SI Yanks, I might have to make my first trip to Staten Island for a game.

[QUOTE=jds2007;417382]there something creeepy about seeing a niner in pinstrips…[/QUOTE]

The Niners have worn pinstrips in the past. They were good looking uniforms too. Gray w/ green pinstrips. Much better than black.

he started VERY slow, so .243 shows he has picked it up in a big way.

yeah he started 4 for 26 but is 5 for 11 in the past 3 games