Manager Wally Backman's Tirade (NSFW)

Mullins Maniac had me watch this. Pretty funny. Backman goes nuts. This is when he was the manager of the South Georgia Peanuts. Language may be offensive to some.

Best quote: “Get out of the way catcher. (as he throws bats on the field) Move out of the way… Doc, let’s go have a beer”.

That’s nuts: Minor-league team simply quits

As a player, Wally Backman was always up for a scrap. After his minor leagueteam got into a tussle Friday night, it simply went home.

Backman, a key member of the New York Mets when they won the 1986 World Series, was tossed in the second inning.

Attitude Problem?

Brooklyn Cyclones might be fun to watch this year.

Iono man. I don’t understand why these shouting matches with the umps happen so often. And the bench clearing “brawls.”

Honestly almost think it is all this pent up energy from sitting/standing around doing nothing for 3 hours.

Needs to be in You laugh, You lose . “Pick that ssst up, you POS!”